
Meta title: Mr.

Meta description: 20


sorry to hear that dude. that really sucks. but i have heard a weird screeching noise in first gear a couple of times when i tried to launch the bike semi hard. couldn't quite figure out what the noise was. i figured the tire chirped a little. kinda sounded like a squeeling tire. hope this isn't a sign of things going wrong. well, please post when you find out what happened. if possible, e-mail me directly. thanks.
Hey guys, hate to be the first idiot to post something like this but I laid down my busa today. I want to warn against what I think might have been the problem. I was shifting from first to second and the tranny locked up on me back tire locked up and hopped, fishtailed and down she went. I still dont know what the hell happened, but the bike is still stuck in some gear even when the neutral light is on. The only problem that I had was some weird ass screeching while shifting from first to second that went away after a few seconds. This happened twice and was very loud. I don't know if this had anything to do with the drivetrain lockup but if you hear this noise ( you will know it if it happens) be very careful!!! If anyone else has had this problem let me know.
My baby is scratched all to hell and I'm pretty irritated right now. I'm going to take her in monday to the dealer and see what the hell happened.
Is it just in the 1st->2nd shift? If so I would recommend notifying your dealer just in case the same thing happens to you. Good luck.
I'm using Motul Synthetic Blend oil in my Busa. Tranny shifting is very smooth. When i rode my new Busa home and put 500 miles on it in 2 weekends......i drained stock suzuki oil and put in a synthetic blend i use in my 2 GSXRs. The shifting was smooth with suzuki oil , but it seems to be a bit better with Motul oil. I never encountered any shifting problems and hopefully i won't either....Sorry to hear that you guys are having problems with the tranny. Oil won't make all of your problems go away...maybe it could help a little...?