i've had a HJC helmet since i started riding 5 years ago. it's a 3x and fits me fine. now that i have the busa i need a helmet to match. i wanted to step-up my game and get a better helmet but i am running into a wall as i'm not finding any companys that sell anything bigger than a 2x. i wear a 7 7/8 fitted baseball hat so finding stuff that fits my big ass has always been a problem. just sucks that i seem to be limited to HJC's. there's nothing wrong with HJC's, just wanted one of the cooler, pricier helmets. i ordered an Icon helmet in 3x and i couldn't even get the thing on my head. some guys at the local parts shop suggested going with the HJC AC-11, so i look it up and they only goto 2x. the only helmets they have that go up to a 3x is the same helmet i have now.
anybody have any suggestions on where to look next? maybe another company other than HJC that runs big?
p.s. please don't tell me to use the "search" button, i did already.
anybody have any suggestions on where to look next? maybe another company other than HJC that runs big?
p.s. please don't tell me to use the "search" button, i did already.