44 rear sprocket


Donating Member
Have a 44 tooth laying around that I want to try at the strip. I'm pulling about 10,000 rpm in 4th at the trap - running one down on front now with stock rear. Any idea how this change will afftect rpm going thru the trap (will I be close to max rpm in 5th)?
Haven't run the 1/4 but it should put you close to the top of 5th and lower your et by at least 2/10ths...Be careful coming out the hole...
If you're a grown up, (250lbs+) it'll help. If you're stock wheelbase, like Stunnah said, be easy out of the hole.......
Don't need anymore wheelies come out of the hole.....but can't resist for a possible gain of 2/10s. Guess it time to add the 3 inch arm extension ........
Have a 44 tooth laying around that I want to try at the strip. I'm pulling about 10,000 rpm in 4th at the trap - running one down on front now with stock rear. Any idea how this change will afftect rpm going thru the trap (will I be close to max rpm in 5th)?
Are you running a stock chain? Will it still work with a 44T gear?
44t just makes me shift into 5th at about 1100ft with a stock front...

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Have a 44 tooth laying around that I want to try at the strip. I'm pulling about 10,000 rpm in 4th at the trap - running one down on front now with stock rear. Any idea how this change will afftect rpm going thru the trap (will I be close to max rpm in 5th)?
I am guessing from your post that you are trapping around 143 MPH. It appears that if you leave the 16T front and go to a 44T rear, you will hit the 10800 rev limiter in 4th at around 140 MPH. So, the 44T might be just a tad too short for your application with a 16T front because you would be shifting to 5th just a short way before you hit the finish line. A 43T rear would get you 143.5 in 4th based upon my assumptions. And the old favorite, 16/42 would hit about 147 on the limiter in 4th.
All the above having been said, the stock tach appears very inaccurate. So, if you are trapping 138-139 or less, the 44T might work using 1st to 4th gears.
The stock chain can be used with a 44 rear if you are one down in the front. Gonna giver her a shot tonight at T&T...some preliminary testing last night had the front wheel pointing toward the moon......I can't ride a wheelie to save my soul, so I'm concerned my ET will drop off some as the bike will be harder to get out of the hole.
depending on how much you weigh will make a difference. if you're a big guy you may have to go to 5th but you may be right at the rev. when you go through the quarter. i'm at one down in front 2 up in the back and i shift in fourth just before i hit the quarter. don't launch hard!!! may want to invest in extensions or a extended swingarm....
The stock chain can be used with a 44 rear if you are one down in the front. Gonna giver her a shot tonight at T&T...some preliminary testing last night had the front wheel pointing toward the moon......I can't ride a wheelie to save my soul, so I'm concerned my ET will drop off some as the bike will be harder to get out of the hole.
Well... How did you do?
I finally hit the 1/4 mile and my bike is at about 10k rpm in the traps. i'm 1down 4up
@ 145mph
How did I do..never made it there. My one lb nitrous bottle exploded on the way to the strip... blew the back of the bike off...blast was so bad it flattened the outer edges of the rim and cracked it (and the sub frame). Have pictures if someone can post.
Well that sucks... are the pics digital and on your computer? There is a topic to show you how to post em.
How did I do..never made it there.  My one lb nitrous bottle exploded on the way to the strip... blew the back of the bike  off...blast was so bad it flattened the outer edges of the rim and cracked it (and the sub frame).  Have pictures if someone can post.
that's sucks.

i have a 2lb bottle in my hump and i've always worried about that. look at the bright side. atleast you wasn't on it when it blew.

btw: was the bottle left on or in extreme heat???
if your bottle exploded something was bad wrong with your bottle. they come with a built in pop off valve so when that reach a certain temp it will release so stuff like this will not happen, was it a new bottle or old.reason asking, if it was a new bottle you could take whats left of it (if any) and have the valve inspected.could be a bad valve.only heard of this twice, once now and when a guy at the strip heated his bottle with a torch to quickly for the valve to work blew his fingers off,and some of his leg.to much heat to quick bad results,i have pressure gauge installed on my bottle,just for those reasons.