Finally got this helmet in hand. Been wanting to buy it for a few years. It’s amazingly light 3lbs or less. Carbon fiber but the protection inside is better.
Real quick backstory for those who don’t know. Crashed another Hayabusa in 2015. Passed out while riding. (They ended up finding kidney cancer which was removed) Woke up in Boston with severe TBI. After 5+years I’ve mostly stopped being affected by it.
6D has the technology in their helmets that the NFL now uses. It is small rubber things that help prevent some concussions. It separates your head from the helmet. Google it.
Anyway here is the helmet.
Real quick backstory for those who don’t know. Crashed another Hayabusa in 2015. Passed out while riding. (They ended up finding kidney cancer which was removed) Woke up in Boston with severe TBI. After 5+years I’ve mostly stopped being affected by it.
6D has the technology in their helmets that the NFL now uses. It is small rubber things that help prevent some concussions. It separates your head from the helmet. Google it.
Anyway here is the helmet.