99-00 versus TRE/GPS and good prices


Greetings, I am in the market for a 'Busa and I had a few questions:

1) Potential-wise, are 99-00 more adept than recent models with a TRE or some GPS mods? Why or why not?
2) What should I look for in a used 'Busa (Good and bad aspects)? I want to do my homework before I talk to the scum we call dealers.
3) Any good recommendations for 'Busa dealerships around the LA area?

Thanks all for any replies, there are definitely some experienced gentlemen on this board and your input is valued.
Exactly what are you looking for?
First thing that comes to mind is mileage.
Make sure it has been well maintained.
Make sure it hasen't been dropped.
Check under the rear fender for rubber. It will stick to the bottom
after a burnout. It is all common sense almost like buying a car.
Why are you looking to buy used from a dealer? Shop around and you will
find the right bike for you. Check the oRg's for sale fourm also check craigs
list. Thats where I found mine. Good luck............

oh damn didn't see that section, thanks a lot.

Well I figured I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for (aiming for the 99-00's) on the web, so a dealership was my only other option.

Also, considering that was 7-8 years ago, mileage is usually around 10,000 or more..

If anyone could shed some light on my first question it would be much appreciated.

I saw a bloke get an '04 with 5k miles for 3k....looking at his pictures it was in good shape too. I'm gonna post my findings and hopefully get some insight before I buy.