A couple Busa pics


Jap is where it's at!
Donating Member
Here are a couple pics I found. I think they were on the Star Boys Stunt Team website?

I think it looks good with the inners painted in with the scheme of the second bike.
That second one has a phat a$$ tire. The first one, though, does absolutely nothing for me. The color doesn't look good and the decal/logo is jacked up.
Neither do anything for me. A little too "Look at me" for my liking but to each his own. It's clear the owners of both bikes have put a lot of work into them.
Yeah, the first doesn't do much for me either. The second one is almost too much show, just thought I'd throw a couple pics in I've never seen before.
That first pic with the marble look to it is the exact same color and design as my bowling ball... Go figure!!