A couple of new mods


Never Forgotten
Santa was real good to me this year. Wifey took the hint of me buying a cam mount for my bike before having a cam and got me a palmcorder.

I also got a set of raising links that raise the rear of the Busa by about 1". I took it out for a quick ride last night and the bike turns in much quicker. I cant wait for some warmer weather to get back on some of my favorite roads in the area.

Here is the Busa on the stands. With the links installed there is a noticable rear height difference.

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Looks nice. When you gonna post up your first video?
Probally the 1st trip to the Gap in 05. I normally go 6-8 times a year. If the weather is nice I may sneak away in March for a day.
Nice toys and mods.  I'm about to get a cam mount myself.
I got my mount from a good friend of mine in Indy. His site can be found here. I am gonna ask him to make a spacer to raise the front of the cam. Right now I am getting a great shot of the top tree, guages and a little throught the screen. I would like to raise the front of the cam 1" and the shot should be perfect.

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I am getting mine from this place <a href="http://www.sportbikecam.com/front_mount.htm">Sportbike Cam Mount<a> and get there lift kit that raises the camera a little over 1". Only costs $15 so you may want to check it out.
I am getting mine from this place <a href="http://www.sportbikecam.com/front_mount.htm">Sportbike Cam Mount<a> and get there lift kit that raises the camera a little over 1".  Only costs $15 so you may want to check it out.
Thats a sweet looking mount. I looked at their site, were is the lift kit? I probally just missed it...its soooo slow today here and I guess I am just asleep...lol.
You know I went back to find it myself and only saw it mentioned, but no pics.
Okay, here is a pic with the camera lift.  It's at the front of the mount in yellow.

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That looks good. Eric, the guy I got mine from, is gonna make me a 1" spacer. I am gonna give that a try.