a few closeups on my 06busa







You bikr look very clean. Wish they made an aluminum belly pan for the 08+
Posted via Mobile Device
I guess just used to busas thats my second one.
LAst 3 races in 09 I was hitting dead on my dialin or running back 2 back times quite often.I dont have any guages @ all.No fuel turnsignal highbeam neutral nothing.
Last 3 races I was avereging .020---.030 reactions +running deadon or 1 over my diAl in.
you would do even better if you knew when to shift. Why would you set your bike up with so many thangs to improve consistancy and then throw it away by guessing when to shift. You're trying to be consistant esp. with bracket racing. At least get a shift light please! :thumbsup:
No i dont +yes I do know when 2 shift.I can tell by sound of motor.Now on the launch I have the launch box so that normaly set around 7,800rpm.
When my top yellow lights (or other lanes top yellow if slower) I let off that button on left the big one.Then wack throttle wide open so it goes on revlimiter.When I see bottom yellow be ready because its going take off.
