a few pics of 99 efr racing busa








you would have to speak to elton as i bought the bike from him.. it is one of his turbo kits. at 14 psi it makes 299, with 20 psi it made 368, it has a fully built motor. procut trans with heavy duty out put shafts, motor is built to handle 500 hp. we are looking to do his stand alone fuel management, and a larger turbo
oh boy another "ghost rider" machine 200mph power wheelies? heheheh
Turbo 23 nice bike. I am on south east side of Chicago only maybe 25 miles from you. I now own a 2006 turbo with a hahn kit (Formerly Elton's kit) or however that goes. Elton is a great guy I have had many discussions with him when I built my first turbo Busa back in Dec of 1999. If you are ever interested in a ride let me know we ride every sunday weather permitting and take a few trips every year. We are also planning on attending Moto GP in Indy again this year. Take care and be safe Jeff
may sound dumb. guys.. what is boost creep exactly.... i've never noticed any fluctuation if thats what you mean. the bike really is pretty smooth the only thing i notice is when i'm cruising at like 60 or 70 in a higher gear if i roll into the throttle it might hesitate just a bit before it takes off .. maybe turbo lag? but if i just flat out hammer the thing from a lower gear with high r.p.ms it just takes off like a rocket.. i have a multi stage boost controller. in 1st gear i'm running 10 psi 2nd i'm at 12. 3rd i'm at 14 and 4th on out i'm at 16-20

yeah i would be really interested in getting out some more this year. got a number or something i can give you a call, my two brother's both drive turbo busa's as well. and i have a friend with a honda 954 he likes to ride as well. what city are you in?