A good day for a fat man...

You dont have to have skill to buy a sport bike! Sad but true. Any 16 year old kid can stroll in and buy a 9 second sportbike with nothing but a drivers license and a fist full of bills! Who do you think keeps most of the club racers supplied with " race bikes". Most of the guys I used to know would buy up wrecked brand new sportbikes left an right and turn em into race bikes. A lot cheaper than hacking up a brand new bike!

See even squids serve a purpose.
What I want to know maverick, is where was cougar when you were doing all this fancy passing?

Oh Im sorry wrong movie. Good job
its good to be the king...execution...execution...execution....man...tough... king.. ahhh heres one pardon lol
Just bought a new 2006 busa maroon and black and my friend bought R1 havenet seen his bike in a few weeks i think he laid it down but wont fess up to it want to get a sticker package yea right. man when i roll down town with the busa they stare it seem i have the only one in rapid city SD which i believe i do great riding up hear in the black hills there is mostly harleys up here but everyone is nice to you really does not matter what you ride as long as you ride
until you roll up on the guys that can ride like a 1000rr that is new and has 200miles on it and go hit some clover leafs but all in all he was impressed with the beast
I know exactly what you are talking about. I've had many people talk about how fast their bikes are through the turns and how they will outperform a busa. Yet everytime I school these guys through the turns they get all pissed off and want nothing to do with me after that.

I just don't understand why people have to be so dayum cocky and then get mad when they can't back it up.
the answer is simple-when those fools are forced to realize that they are truly inferior in riding ability (cuz even an IDIOT knows u need mad skillz to make a bike like a busa corner good), after shooting their mouths' off and expecting to whup on ya-the shock of having their azz handed to them by a heavier bike in "their territory" makes their nutz shrivel to size of peanuts and ego is dented in more than Laura Flynn Boyle's chest...they are speechless, dumbfounded, and so totally in awe of rider and bike, all they can do is ride by in shame and hope to be out of eyesight soon so they can give each other excuses for why they got stomped.
Yes you need to have a bike that handles but you also need to be able to drive it. I've stopped into the local D.Donuts a few times lately but the young guys don't seem to want to go for a quick ride anymore. Opps oh well, but they do look stylish sitting there.
I've come to the conclusion that when I hear someone say, "Busa's can't corner", what that person is really saying is, "I can't ride very well!"

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That's great!
I'd like to know what they were saying as you passed 'em one by one LOL