A good ride!


Member of P.E.A.
Donating Member
My wife and I have had our Busa now for about a month, it was killing me not being to take a short road trip. We went to OKC this last weekend. I looked at going to down Rt 66, but didnt want to spend 4 hours to get there. So we took the Turner. My right hand kept buzzing on me, I guess I need to invest in some gel grips! We didnt see any leo's on the way down, and believe it or not, we cruised at about 85 to 90 just to keep up with traffic! the bike did great, never a hic up at all and was smooth as glass. I am still getting used to the torque this bike has. There was one point when we had to get out of a bunch of semi's, I rolled the throttle back to pass and we were passing 110mph, whoa baby. I told my wife through the intercom, look baby, one one zero, ok, time to slow down.
OKC was great and we couldnt ask for better weather, we parked the bike and found a good place to eat, Toby Keiths Bar and Grill. Good food, cold beer and a great OU game, Go Sooners!
Later that night, we had the pleasure of meeting up with Captain and the Professor. I hope Rick can remind me of the other gentlemans name, super guy. And the two Kristi's were awesome. Thanks for meeting with us guys, and we hope to see you in October!
I know this may be a little boring, and I dont have any pics here at work to post up. The ride home was more relaxed and with the stability of the Busa, speed is a deception. I have never seen the likes of people waving at us before. Anyone else notice this? Every kid we saw was smiling and waving!
My wife has been spending more and more time in the evening looking at all the pictures of the great rides and beautiful scenery around the country in the various threads. If we have a meet in the spring, Eureka, we are there. I also hope to be able to plan to make the fall bash next year, this year is too short notice and I am out of vacation.

My wife has always loved to ride, and some of you may remember that it was her idea to buy another bike and since we were buying another bike, we getting the Buuuuusssssssaaaaaaa! This is becoming more of a way of life than a hobby, and what thing to be a part of!
Be careful guys and gals. Its one thing to talk to each other through this wonderful medium, but when you are able to put a face with a name, Doug and Kristi, Rick and Kristi, it becomes much more personal.
good for you TT! no wrecks, no carnage.... but ya learned your lesson: take your digial camera everywhere! Gotta have pics to keep this ADD crowd's attention

Sounds like a great ride, and a lot of enjoyment of the awesome Busa. One of the best hobby/lives ever