A HUGE shout of thanks to PWARD76!


Donating Member
WAY big thanks to Pat, a local here in town that frequents the board! I rode over to his place tonight and not only did he donate his left side slipon from his 04, but he installed the blamed thing too, working up a sweat in the process! Great guy! Thanks Pat! You have fully restored a full 1/3 of my bike's disfiguration.

Than of course after that, we had to go test it and make sure it stayed put at 100+ outside of town. And of course it did. He's got an after factory pipe that has a great growl to it and some nice whine up high. Great ridin' , Pat, I'll be your wingman anytime!

no, I wasn't bright enough to bring my camera, but those purple busa's are sweeeet!!

Thanks, thanks, thanks again! Next time I'll at LEAST buy you a drink or hot wings.

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greg you shoulda asked me... You coulda had mine.
Cheers to Pat for steppin' to the plate and helpin' a fellow rider out like that.
travis, I'll get yours when I drop it on the right side next time

so many people offer to donate - great board - great people! as we all know, but it's nice to see and hear it
Hey Greg, no big deal, glad I could help - and you're on for the wings bud

It was nice to ride with another busa finally. It's fun watchin' the reactions from the cagers as one busa goes by and they are lookin' and pointing and then they realize that another one is pulling even with them. Yeah, I'm a bit of a poser..
..but that is part of the busa's appeal.

The girlies at the stoplights are fun as well....

Yeah, we gotta do that again!
Good deal guys, but did I miss that you wrecked your Busa WWJD?

I do live under a rock, so lots of things do seem to slip by...
you're on for the wings bud
anytime, bro! I know "Daytona's" has some pretty hot waitre....er... wings on Thursdays after bike night.

VA, my front washed out on a pebble or something at 10mph in a parking lot. :p I COULDN'T believe it. The full post and pics are probably on page 2 or 3 by now. ZERO broken stuff on bike, just some scratches. Busa's ROCK
Congrats on the refurbishment WWJD. And a warm "HOORAH!!" goes out to pward76.
you're on for the wings bud  
anytime, bro!  I know "Daytona's" has some pretty hot waitre....er... wings on Thursdays after bike night.  

VA, my front washed out on a pebble or something at 10mph in a parking lot.   :p   I COULDN'T believe it.  The full post and pics are probably on page 2 or 3 by now.  ZERO broken stuff on bike, just some scratches.  Busa's ROCK
I'm so sorry...I completely missed it...or, did I see it, reply to it and then forget?

Either way, glad to hear it's on it's way to being perfect again...that had to be frustrating...
I'm so sorry...I completely missed it...or, did I see it, reply to it and then forget?

Either way, glad to hear it's on it's way to being perfect again...that had to be frustrating...
no biggie. I was REALLY hoping for something more dramatic [yet safe]for a first ever go-down... like a 90 mph race track slide... 10mph parking lot [spit!] man! :p
I'm so sorry...I completely missed it...or, did I see it, reply to it and then forget?  

Either way, glad to hear it's on it's way to being perfect again...that had to be frustrating...
no biggie.  I was REALLY hoping for something more dramatic [yet safe]for a first ever go-down... like a 90 mph race track slide...  10mph parking lot [spit!]  man!   :p
Yeah, seems you just can't have it all, can you? I mean Anna and a graceful first fall?!

My "backing up in the gravel driveway" incident surely takes the cake on "look, loser getting ready to cause $800 worth of damage!"
