A Year to the Day in Review


A year and 3 hours ago I had my heartattack. I woke up to what I "thought" was me being hungry. Made it down stairs to get a slice of bread and a sip of water, not sure how I made it back up the stairs and in the bed. My wife was just leaving and had already left the room to go for her run. Something was not right. Me being a military man, it goes unsaid , that the Dr when see me over my cold dead body. I called her and asked her to come back cause I dont feel right. She took one look at me and said, " ambulance or car but your going". I was in no shape to argue. We got in the car and went. Upon arrival we walked in and greeted the person at the desk. They ask the normal, "whats wrong". We told them and I was rushed into getting my vitals and them taking blood. Within 30 min I was admitted and taken to a room. The dr comes in and says, "youre haveing a HA"...........NO poop? Damn I thought I was here for a hair cut........ He laughed, my wife didnt. He informs me that later that day I would be going in to have a heart cath done and possibly some stints. No food or drink. A few hours pass and off to the cath lab where they sedate me, but you have to stay awake, and a pretty young nurse begins to shave me in the southern places. Guess Im getting that hair cut huh...... They said it takes about 45 min to a hour. Within 5 min of starting he said "we are done, you are going in for a quadrulple bypass"....FML Its scheduled for Friday. NO FOOD OR WATER......Not even IV fluids which I thought to be strange.

3 days later in the evening before I go to surgery the Dr comes in. Asks if I have questions, explains the procedure and wants to know what Ive been eating. Uh, NOTHING? He gets pissed, says I should have been eating and having fluids this whole time and procedes to get food brought to me. WOOT The next morning they woke me to take me down and get me ready. I wont lie, I was scarred shitless. They HIGHLY medicated me and all I really could remember while waiting and making my peace with my wife and saying my goodbyes, was looking at the ghosts in the OR. I was trying to get off the bed to leave because I was NOT going into a room full of ghosts. I made them go find a combat vet to clear the room before I would go. They were kind enough to oblidge and found a chaplin who served, yet no combat experience, I didnt like it but its all they could get me. Then I woke up..........

Mad as hell, severe pain, cant talk ( tube still down my throat ) and cant move, ( strapped to bed )

I dont ever remember pain like this. They had me on 4 of the strongest pain meds that should have knocked out a elephant and I was screaming in pain. Oh did I mention I had a collapsed lung too? Yea, thats fun.........NOT Hours later and PT comes in the room says we need to get up and walk.....WTF???? Yall got me pucked up like a poop sandwich on Thursday! Strapped a pillow to me chest and somehow got me up taking baby steps. BTW, they dont wire your chest shut any more, just glue and tape.... I got out the room, we made it 1 room over and I stopped. "NOPE! Theres ghosts in that room, take me back" I turned around as it was not going to happen. They looked at me a bit funny and oblidged. A few hours later a nurse asks my wife if she would be the witness for them to UNPLUG a man so he could travell on.

It was the room I stopped at. The Drs and nurses never questioned me again when I told them I see dead people. If only they knew the ones who still haunt my memories 30 years later.....But thats not the story. 4 more days in the hospital, walking a little more each day till I could finally make it down the hall. Moved out of ICU to a mid level care unit for 2 more days till they took out the chest tubes and told me I could go home once I pooped. Yea, that didnt happen for a while, but when I did I was miserable. The gates of hell was unleashed. BTW, still had collapsed lung when I was sent home. Took about another month before it re inflated. Was almost about to have another surgery to repair. I spent 3 months in my recliner before I could get to the bed. My wife, and Ill never know why, stood by my side and helped me though it all. She was my rock and only reason for being here.

A year later, I still hurt but Im alive. Theres a lot of things I no longer do, but Im alive. I do need to loose 40 lbs but I got the all clear from the DR last week. All tests were good. I will always be on a blood thinner and asprin but Im down to 3 meds from the 16 I came home with. Ill take it. The heat bothers me the most and I get cold quickly but I improvise, adapt and overcome.

Now shes go me riding another bike..... :D


Wow, that's eye opening for what is involved in all of that.
We're glad to still have you here with us sir.
And just a curiosity question, if you see dead people; do you belive in God?
Thanks Six! Its not a experience I EVER want to repeat. I know I left a lot out but it conveys the majority of it. As to your question, I do, and I dont. At least not like most people would. I question a lot fo things, especially those I had to do, and the reasons behind those who didnt come home. Or why Im still here when others arent. Ill tell you what I do belive in, which may be an easier answer. I believe there is more out there, we cant be alone. I believe spirits walk this earth and have a story to tell. I believe that when its our time, its our time. It wont matter what we are doing. So you can sty in your house afraid to go outside in fear of death, or you can go outside and face your fear and live your life. It will happen when it does. But fear will always be there. Im not sure if we will re live our lives or frolic in the clouds or go to Valhalla and be with our combat family, but I wont take this day for granted any more. Tomorrow is not promised, we all gre up hearing that, so I will live for today in hopes that I get tomorrow.
A year and 3 hours ago I had my heartattack. I woke up to what I "thought" was me being hungry. Made it down stairs to get a slice of bread and a sip of water, not sure how I made it back up the stairs and in the bed. My wife was just leaving and had already left the room to go for her run. Something was not right. Me being a military man, it goes unsaid , that the Dr when see me over my cold dead body. I called her and asked her to come back cause I dont feel right. She took one look at me and said, " ambulance or car but your going". I was in no shape to argue. We got in the car and went. Upon arrival we walked in and greeted the person at the desk. They ask the normal, "whats wrong". We told them and I was rushed into getting my vitals and them taking blood. Within 30 min I was admitted and taken to a room. The dr comes in and says, "youre haveing a HA"...........NO poop? Damn I thought I was here for a hair cut........ He laughed, my wife didnt. He informs me that later that day I would be going in to have a heart cath done and possibly some stints. No food or drink. A few hours pass and off to the cath lab where they sedate me, but you have to stay awake, and a pretty young nurse begins to shave me in the southern places. Guess Im getting that hair cut huh...... They said it takes about 45 min to a hour. Within 5 min of starting he said "we are done, you are going in for a quadrulple bypass"....FML Its scheduled for Friday. NO FOOD OR WATER......Not even IV fluids which I thought to be strange.

3 days later in the evening before I go to surgery the Dr comes in. Asks if I have questions, explains the procedure and wants to know what Ive been eating. Uh, NOTHING? He gets pissed, says I should have been eating and having fluids this whole time and procedes to get food brought to me. WOOT The next morning they woke me to take me down and get me ready. I wont lie, I was scarred shitless. They HIGHLY medicated me and all I really could remember while waiting and making my peace with my wife and saying my goodbyes, was looking at the ghosts in the OR. I was trying to get off the bed to leave because I was NOT going into a room full of ghosts. I made them go find a combat vet to clear the room before I would go. They were kind enough to oblidge and found a chaplin who served, yet no combat experience, I didnt like it but its all they could get me. Then I woke up..........

Mad as hell, severe pain, cant talk ( tube still down my throat ) and cant move, ( strapped to bed )

I dont ever remember pain like this. They had me on 4 of the strongest pain meds that should have knocked out a elephant and I was screaming in pain. Oh did I mention I had a collapsed lung too? Yea, thats fun.........NOT Hours later and PT comes in the room says we need to get up and walk.....WTF???? Yall got me pucked up like a poop sandwich on Thursday! Strapped a pillow to me chest and somehow got me up taking baby steps. BTW, they dont wire your chest shut any more, just glue and tape.... I got out the room, we made it 1 room over and I stopped. "NOPE! Theres ghosts in that room, take me back" I turned around as it was not going to happen. They looked at me a bit funny and oblidged. A few hours later a nurse asks my wife if she would be the witness for them to UNPLUG a man so he could travell on.

It was the room I stopped at. The Drs and nurses never questioned me again when I told them I see dead people. If only they knew the ones who still haunt my memories 30 years later.....But thats not the story. 4 more days in the hospital, walking a little more each day till I could finally make it down the hall. Moved out of ICU to a mid level care unit for 2 more days till they took out the chest tubes and told me I could go home once I pooped. Yea, that didnt happen for a while, but when I did I was miserable. The gates of hell was unleashed. BTW, still had collapsed lung when I was sent home. Took about another month before it re inflated. Was almost about to have another surgery to repair. I spent 3 months in my recliner before I could get to the bed. My wife, and Ill never know why, stood by my side and helped me though it all. She was my rock and only reason for being here.

A year later, I still hurt but Im alive. Theres a lot of things I no longer do, but Im alive. I do need to loose 40 lbs but I got the all clear from the DR last week. All tests were good. I will always be on a blood thinner and asprin but Im down to 3 meds from the 16 I came home with. Ill take it. The heat bothers me the most and I get cold quickly but I improvise, adapt and overcome.

Now shes go me riding another bike..... :D

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Thanks for sharing. It really helps keep some of us in check and appreciate even more how blessed we are to have woken up this morning to see another day.
Oh, and you better kiss your wife’s feet everyday and bring her breakfast to bed for being an amazing life partner!
I believe there is more out there, we cant be alone. I believe spirits walk this earth and have a story to tell. I believe that when its our time, its our time. It wont matter what we are doing. So you can sty in your house afraid to go outside in fear of death, or you can go outside and face your fear and live your life. It will happen when it does. But fear will always be there. Im not sure if we will re live our lives or frolic in the clouds or go to Valhalla and be with our combat family, but I wont take this day for granted any more. Tomorrow is not promised, we all gre up hearing that, so I will live for today in hopes that I get tomorrow.
So true.
I have a friend and former colleague who recently underwent an open heart surgery to fix his aorta....he's my age and was extremely fit.....

Stories like his and this make one sit up and take notice especially as we age.......
I have a friend and former colleague who recently underwent an open heart surgery to fix his aorta....he's my age and was extremely fit.....

Stories like his and this make one sit up and take notice especially as we age.......
I am no longer "fit" but living a bit healthier, making a few better choices, and getting in some physicl activity is now my new normal. Plus I promised my wife I would be here till im 93 so I suppose I need todo my part in making it happen....lol