ABM handle bar fixed


First my special thanks to the multitude of members of this forum who helped me decide on this wonderful product . My special thanks goes to Chobers who generously shared pics seated on the bike in upright position . All that is left tommorow is bleed the brake lines .Seems I can’t post videos in the forum . Will take pics from video and post . My friend who is an ex racing champion and a technician from Suzuki did the job for me . It took 4 hrs today and an hours work or more left tommorow . Oh looks like Suzuki forgot to tighten my T stem , it was waaay too loose. Will post more pics




Very cool, but I hate the blue bars lol.
Yes, it took me about 4 hours on my Gen 1 Busa and I've done this conversion several times on different bikes, the important this NOT to rush the job but to do it carefully and correctly.
If you create a Youtube channel (or any video sharing platform) you can upload videos and then copy the link and paste it in your post here on this forum...
Keep having fun with your bike and stay safe, shiny side UP!