Adjusting brake and clutch levers


Donating Member
Just got a really good tip reading "Total Control" at Barnes & Noble yesterday. Race bikes are set up for the rider so that everything on the bike is perfectly where they want it for their individual use. This is regarding the hand controls, one of the most important areas of the rider/machine interface.

Regarding comfort and ergonomics, the brake and clutch levers are set at the factory for angle in relation to the grips. Well guess what, people are different sizes so that angle changes depending on several parameters.

Mine had my hands cocked up bending my wrist at a less than optimal angle for comfort. So I loosened the two bolts (9mm) holding each control on and tilted them down, winding up with them pointing more straight away from my hands. This results in less wrist strain with my hands on the grips and fingers resting on the levers!

Not a huge thing, but every little bit helps in comfort and control of the bike, especially on an extended ride.

Hope this helps, I like the feel much more and it had NEVER occurred to me before. I'll bet not 1% of people have ever touched those bolts on their bike before!

P.S.- Torque spec on the 9mm's is 7 ft/lbs.

Definitely one of those individual things. I've adjusted mine a few times and still don't have them exactly right, but they feel good.
I think you might be surprised at how many more people have rotated thier housings than you would think...
Yep, the adjuster knobs on the levers only do so much...
My set up looks wierd because I have my brake rotated much more than the clutch.  In addition, this is the real value of the Pazzos - the adjustability of these levers is awesome... so between rotation and adjustment... I really dig my setup!

I need to check out that book and see what other good stuff is in there...
i`ve changed many things to suit me. its a personal thing.