After market pipes for my 2002 Limited Edition


Hi, I am new on this site. Not sure where this should go. But i pick up my new 2002 limited edition black/black bike this weekend and i need some help on slip ons. Any recommendations at all? If so, where should i get them from? Any helmet ideas? Thanks for your help on this.
Have fun on the "FASTEST COLOR" Busa...

Basically if you want LOUD Get D&D
Yoshimura Slip ons are well liked, and I believe it is H&R makes a some that folks love on this site.

And of course if you went the "best" it would probably be Akrapovic.(SP)

As for where? The net is you shopping mall, check in the initial forums list, there is a section for Merchandise....
Welcome to the board
I have Yosh RS3 race slipons on on my 2000 and love the sound. They are not to loud but louder than stock.
I've got D&D's on mine and they really aren't that loud. I had a D&D on my Gixxer 750 and it was loud as hell. Anywho, I called all over houston to find the best pricing and I ended up ordering them from starcycle in California. They beat the best houston price by $70.00. Web site is

Good luck on your search

Not to be an ass, but I hope that you own a helmet and currently own a bike.

Anyway, this is a helpful list of helmet information compiled by amsctalx.

I think that it is important to make the distinction between "disturbed" and "undisturbed" airflow when discussing helmet buffeting. Some helmets may be aerodynamically stable in an "undisturbed" airflow, but react poorly to turbulence.

Here are my personal observations on several available helmets that my friends and I own. All of these fit me tightly, some not comfortable (to me) and just worn for a quick high-speed blast:

Shoei RF800: Mild flutter and lift in clean air. Annoying two-axis wobble in turbulent air. Some sensitivity to head-turning. Rating: so-so

Shoie RF900: Little flutter and lift in clean air. Some low-frequency "tracking" of turbulent air. Some sensitivity to head-turning. Rating: OK

Shoei X-SPII: No flutter or lift in clean air. Almost no reaction to turbulence, or head-turning. Rating: Very good.

Shoei X-II: No flutter or lift in clean air. Almost no reaction to turbulence. Excellent head-turning characteristics. Rating: Excellent.

Schuberth Concept: Little flutter and lift in clean air. Some mild reaction to turbulence. Good head-turning characteristics. Rating: Good.

X-lite (Nolan) X-901: No flutter, but a small amount of lift in clean air. Some mild reaction to turbulence. Good head-turning characteristics. Rating: Good.

HJC CL-12: Little flutter, some lift in clean air. Some medium frequency response of turbulent air. Some sensitivity to head-turning. Rating: OK

Disclaimer: These are my impressions. Your mileage my vary, blah-blah-blah...


End Quote.

Hope that this helps, and welcom to the board.

Stealth, the one and only.

I just took the full D&D system off of mine and am selling it. I loved the sound, it was not like a 600, or 750. It was real deep, like a car with flows. I had to take them of so I can put a air shifter on. I had to use 4-2-1's.
I love my exhaust!!! A full system gives you more power and less weight. I have 170.3rwhp and 101 torque with my Akr. Evo., pc3r,BMC, and custom map.

Well i have the HMF full high mount system love the sound and the look if you wana see a pic check out the photo archives under the South Dakota Section my all black busa is there well it's not quite all black anymore has a bit of chrome to it now
and good luck with an exhaust
Hey Monster?
You really do not think that the D&D's a all "that" loud?
I ask because I really want a DEEP sound for the Busa but I need to be able to get on it a little without waking the local LEO's out of their stupor...
Do you know where I can hear a sound byte somewhere online?