Aged tires?

I don't know how long MC tires sit around but I change mine every 2 yrs. whether they are worn out or not. Now my cars and truck I have never checked the dates when I purchase them...might start doing that now. Scary.
Try to tell people their tires are too old even though the tread is good and watch them freek out and tell you your trying to rip them off. People do need to know this is a problem, mostly what i see is elderly people that have the original tires on their 00 Taurus with like 22,000 miles. They get pissed.
Good info, thanks for the post. I understand the 6- year strongly recommended pull date. Does anyone know what the time is for a motorcycle tire? I would imagine it is less than a car, but even if it is not, I believe I would drop the time, because of going from 4 tires to only 2 tires. Any input would be appreciated.
I don't know about old tires.. but when we had tires put on the truck, we got a discount for "ozone damage"... our tires were cracking before they should have... Hey I wasn't questioning the guy!!
I like em fresh, that's why I don't order extra sets ahead of time. I seem to need "tires per year", not "years per tire" :laugh: You do not want tires like a "hard eraser" :shocked: