Air box mod


Just took out the air filter to check things out.

1. Why can’t the actuator just be unplugged and capped vs. cutting it all out and then having to poxy some plastic over the hole?

2. Can the flap be removed w/out cutting everything up so that it can be easily replaced again? Or can it just be zipped tied open?

Am I way off on this?

This is almost as bad as our TRE scenarios!
guns.gif I just tested this per the manual: valve opens fully at 2500 rpms or more & closes fully at less.

And with the amout of surface you lose by cutting it all up, I don't see any major gains.

So...why bother hacking up the box??
I am wondering about any disadvantages myself. Or is there any? Wonder why Suzuki wouldn't put a better one on to start with? It's not like you can buy it as an aftermarket accessory, or can you?
From All I have read on the subject, there is less restriction with it cut out than just removing the flap. You can leave the actuator in place if you want instead of making a flap and covering the hole.

Suzuki left it in place because they have to meet noise and emission regulations. With the stock pipes the flapper helps increase torque in the lower rpms. I’ve heard of small losses in torque in low end with the box mod. I have another airbox that has been modded and intend on swapping it out for some testing soon.
(Professor @ May 24 2007,16:28) From All I have read on the subject, there is less restriction with it cut out than just removing the flap. You can leave the actuator in place if you want instead of making a flap and covering the hole.

Suzuki left it in place because they have to meet noise and emission regulations. With the stock pipes the flapper helps increase torque in the lower rpms. I’ve heard of small losses in torque in low end with the box mod. I have another airbox that has been modded and intend on swapping it out for some testing soon.

In addition, the 'cutting out' part you refer to opens up the hole in the box much larger than the rectagular hole that's there now with the flapper. At higher speeds you can move more air easier through a larger hole.

You dont' have to remove the actuator, so there's no hole to fill if you don't. The flapper comes off, I can't remember if you can remove the flapper without hacking it up or not, honestly, I didn't even think of that before I started cutting.

As far as loosing anything down low, if I did, didn't notice it.

OK, I've got a question
!!! Just what gain do you get with the air box mod., has anyone measured the gain (Dyno ?)  or is it just a feel of the pants thing. And what advantage is it on the street vs the track since on the track you could make a better air box by starting from scratch for racing
(thebbbusa @ May 24 2007,14:16)
(Professor @ May 24 2007,16:28) From All I have read on the subject, there is less restriction with it cut out than just removing the flap. You can leave the actuator in place if you want instead of making a flap and covering the hole.

Suzuki left it in place because they have to meet noise and emission regulations. With the stock pipes the flapper helps increase torque in the lower rpms. I’ve heard of small losses in torque in low end with the box mod. I have another airbox that has been modded and intend on swapping it out for some testing soon.

In addition, the 'cutting out' part you refer to opens up the hole in the box much larger than the rectagular hole that's there now with the flapper.  At higher speeds you can move more air easier through a larger hole.

You dont' have to remove the actuator, so there's no hole to fill if you don't.  The flapper comes off, I can't remember if you can remove the flapper without hacking it up or not, honestly, I didn't even think of that before I started cutting.

As far as loosing anything down low, if I did, didn't notice it.


On both of the comments!
OK, I've got a question
!!! Just what gain do you get with the air box mod., has anyone measured the gain (Dyno ?) or is it just a feel of the pants thing. And what advantage is it on the street vs the track since on the track you could make a better air box by starting from scratch for racing

Gosh this has been discussed a million times.

I have not personally done a dyno with on vs the other.  However, I have read and it makes sense that a more free flowing airbox will yield gains.  If your bike can suck more air more efficiently, then it can burn more gas and thus make more power.

There are gains of a few hp on the top end on a dyno, and I would bet that at speed in the real world, more air would be forced in than without the mod.

Vehicle mfrs design vehicles to work under a wide range of circumstances, and even Lamborghinis can benefit from mods.  Mfrs have to compromise between EPA regs, and all sorts of other things.
Yeah, I know it has been talked  
about a zillion times ! BUT, no one that I can remember can say what the gain of hacking up an air box will do for your street bike. Track, OK, that goes without saying, but if your really out for track performance then you need another box. So, I guess my question still stands. WHAT GOOD IS IT
(DaCol. @ May 24 2007,19:31) Yeah, I know it has been talked  
about a zillion times ! BUT, no one that I can remember can say what the gain of hacking up an air box will do for your street bike. Track, OK, that goes without saying, but if your really out for track performance then you need another box. So, I guess my question still stands. WHAT GOOD IS IT
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear.

If you gain a couple hp on a dyno you've gained hp.

You can use gained hp on the track.

You can use gained hp on the street.

Do you need it?  No.

Do you need a Hayabusa when there are other bikes out there that are more fuel efficient, like a scooter?  No.

Do you need to add an exhaust to your bike?  No.

Do you need all 6 gears?  No.

If it tickles your man fancy to have more power (Arrrgg, pounding chest) than do this in combination with an exhaust and PC and you'll be happy.

No exhaust to let all that extra air out?  No PC to adjust the fuel mapping?  Don't do it.
If cutting up the airbox bothers some of you, look on ebay, you can usaully find a used one for about $40 to $50! Ive still got my stock airbox, sitting around someware. Thats what i did!
OK, so now we know it's a mental Bling thing for the street. Next, is there a Air Box out there designed just of this purpose
, which would be infinately better than cutting up the stock one ? Surely there must be
, and if so, who has them for sale ? I already know from the Ram Air thread where to buy the seals that work. So, Who makes the air box ?  
I have a airbox already cut with all short stacks and a K&N filter..for $75..

have it listed on ebay..lmk if you are interested??
ok.. the airbox mod has been around since 1999.... a looong time. way back when there were tests done. results posted on differetn boards. Unfortunatly I would guess to say that almost every board has crashed and lost data at one point or another over the last 8 years. It does work. It's not a bling thing at all. To me anything that can increase power is more a functional mod vs. a bling mod.

In the past there were a few maybe three different companies that made a brandy new box. There weren't to many buyers though. None of them did much more than what you can do with the OE box with mods.