airbox mod that makes proven power everywhere!!!

What are we looking at?

Not a very clear picture at all.

What is the white thing above the circle in the center?

It's hard to see what you did with that camera angle.

You did a great job on the pic of the Dog!
I did this mod (4 long stacks) and rode it for the first time today. My bum dyno says it works. I'll be on a real dyno with it as soon as one of my dyno guys stops taking holidays at the height of the bike season and the other gets his dyno fixed!!

My God my bike is rippin'. The mods are starting to add up. The front now goes up in second gear roll-ons in crouch position. I'm banging into the rev limiter whereas I never did before. Cams within a week or two, Yosh willing.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 31 March 2000).]
where do you get the extra long stacks..............DP did you do the air box mod itself and add the stacks or just add the stacks?
Forgive my ignorance but can you fit longer stacks to a stock air box and if you are using a PCII then would you have to alter the mapping at all.If you do would any one be able to point us in the right direction.
So, am I correct in assuming that we can not run a filter with full box mod with the whole floor cut out? I've read of some using just screen wire and think I remember someone using a car filter. Would think a filter would be worth the small loss in long run. Just checking if I have correct info. Thanks, Jack.
I paid $12.50 each for My stock stacks.

Where does the BMC filter attach?

View the airbox like this:

Top-this is where the lids at.

Middle floor-this is totally removed on a FULL Mod.

Bottom-this is where you remove the vaccum valve from.

Someone please tell Me; what good would and air filter do on a airbox mod like this one?(taking in account that it's the kind that attaches to the Lid)

It's useless, right?....good for nothing but disturbing air flow!

This is the type of Airbox Mod I have, with No Filter.

I have run Open Stacks on all of My other Bikes, and have never had the first problem.

BTH, I do not live on any Salt Flats!

I feel that if your going to do a Mod, then go for it ALL!....anything in between in a situation like this, is just a waste.

I think it would hurt the performance on a stock motor if you did anything less than a Full Mod? Your better to leave the box stock if your not going for the Full deal.

I have to look at all of this as just "Shooting Off" because I don't have any Facts to back any of it up. No before & after Dyno's in either situaion.
well i have done so many damn runs its sick.lost count after 75or 80.just glue a foam filter element cut from sheet stock you can buy.pre filter foam only looses 2% flow compared to no filter.
I also tried the mod yesterday. You have a more sensitive bum then me Dirty Pete.

The long tube part number is #13881-24F00

Short tube #13881-E50
Entire air box is #13700-24F00--$169.00-I swapped the long ones from my second box.

I still believe the bike is more responsive down low with the stock box with BMC filter.

4000 rpm and up the air box mod may be better.
I guess I need to get my lazy a-s-s to the dyno and track. DP be sure to swap back and forth at your dyno session.

I also think its valid question to ask why Suzuki did things this way. We trust them to build a 190 mph motorcycle (they did it), but they spend extra money to place a flapper, vacuum circuit and ECM to support it to make less power? I suppose it all could have been done for low rpm drivability.
Motorhead--you mentioned it makes more power all over..any chance of posting the chart. All over means better everywhere?

I also remember a thread last year where alot of guys were talking about going to all short stacks. Guess will never learn anything new without trying them though.

I will post pics of these things on LABUSAS in a hour or so.
frank the white thing is the whole where the actuator for the flapper goes.if you guys want to keep your bmc set up fine but i'm not showing mercy on you at the track.on my 99 i gained 4 mph with the mod in the 1/4case closed

[This message has been edited by THE MOTORHEAD (edited 01 April 2000).]
Bob, do you also have the full airbox floor cut and a BMC filter? I do. I have a baseline dyno so I don't need to take stacks on and off.

BTW the long stacks are $35 U.S. plus taxes EACH.

As to why Zook would use 2 long and 2 short if 4 produce more power, I can only guess. Probably the shorts decrease the velocity of the intake charge for mid range power. Or it could be an emissions improver. Car racers have long known that different injection stack length combos have significant effect of the shape of the power curve. I'm sure you've seen those injection stack set-ups that look like errant church organs.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 01 April 2000).]
Dennis, where are you putting the foam at; are you replacing the entire middle floor with filter foam?

If thats the case then I think the area between the Tubes and the Frame would be the best place?

That way once the air gets into the Box, it wont get distrubed as much...?

Just thinking..?..?