Alki beach police crackdown


Was anyone at Alki Beach on Wednesday evening? I still cant believe what I saw...Seattle PD was in full force (9 motorcycle cops HD) and six (6) Blue and Whites in the span of 5 hours they handed out 236 citations of which 50% were biker tix, and from what im hearing this is direct a response to the Damn Squid for taking out the 14yo skateboarder...Any thoughts!!!!
They ticketed 23 bikes / hour on a Wednesday? Did they just pull over every other motorcycle that came by?

They're a little late with enforcement, eh?
I guess they were full of donuts
Good, that death was uncalled for and they need to crack down.
I wont be going down there for awhile, even thou Im legit i just dont need the hassles...:;):
Nothing new I grew up there and I got pulled over all the time, they see a bike and they pull you over. I must have been pulled over 20 or more times, it wasn't until they knew you, before they stopped pulling you over. They need no reason too, they just want to check your tabs and license or see if you will run! I never got one ticket there either.