All Else Aside..


My Sorrow & Condolences to the Families of the Fort Worth TX. shooting Victims. It seems like this story has Taken a Back seat Due to this Hurricane.

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Todd,Amen on laws changed.But as you and I know the criminals don't follow the laws of the land,so our politicians will enforce more gun control instead of criminal control.I believe our Congress will push for more stricter gun laws and will blame everything on the NRA.To bad we have people in Congress that will not see beyond the grand standing and fix the justice system and support and Protect the Bill of Rights and what it represents.
Once a Nation of common people becomes disarmed you can impose stricter laws and control the people alot easier.Ask people from the UK,Australia,China...Well I better get back to motorcycle cause someone from the medical sector or anti-gun will flame me on this one.
Even if one person in the church Had a Gun to protect themselves, And knew how to use it. Too many Victims in this country..I see it almost everyday.

People have to learn to Fight back.

Cause it's Better to have a Gun And not need it,,Than to Need a Gun And not have it.

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You called that one Falcon.

This country is becoming a nation of handwringing victims. Who knows if one of the people in the church would have put a new part in his hair but sometimes suppressive return fire can make any coward re-think their drink.

Did anyone see the Today show this am where they re-visited the tower in TX back in the 60's.

The Police Officers did not have the firepower on deck so they called in the locals with rifles. In the end Police Officers nuetralized the shooter. A citizen climed the tower with them though and the good old boys on the ground helpeed keep him in the prone.

Makes you think.
Same here.
To bad someone in the church did not have a gun on them and was able to shoot back.But who would think that someone would go into a church to shoot people.The person had to be crazy and messed up in the head.
While I was in a patrol car I would carry a Remington 870 and my Colt AR15 A-3 with Elcan combat sight and felt pretty comfortable. Now,since on motors, only a Glock Mdl 22 .40cal. Off duty a Glock 27 .40cal, kinda wimpy but even knowing it's limited fire power it would still stop some whacked out good time from ruining other peoples lives. I believe in God and Church but only God would know if it was with me while I sat in his house. I'm sorry for those families of the victims, but if you don't prepare to protect yourself, you may become the next victim.
And we have 'CHL' here in TX too. But then again, that group put their faith in god not in guns.

It all happens for a reason.
Texas state laws don't allow for citizens with concealed carry permits to bring their guns into banks, schools, hospitals, courthouses, airports, CHURCHES or post offices. Otherwise lives could have been saved. Time to revise some laws?

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 16 September 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 16 September 1999).]
We've all seen the "old west" movies where some "bad guys" ride into town and start terrorizing the town folk. In real life back then, this NEVER HAPPENED. Why ?

Almost every citizen had a gun, carried it, and knew how to use it. Even women and young children could shoot very effectively. The bad guys knew this and also knew that if they tried this stunt, they would have had a tremendous amount of firepower directed at them from one and all. Even grandma would be emptying a 12 gauge in their direction.

Ask any criminal today(burglar,mugger), what they fear most is the victim having a gun.
I am a gun owner from Canada. If it comes up in conversation that I like being prepared and spend time being proficient with guns they think I am a complete lunatic. I hate to say it but it is not long before guns are removed from citizens in Canada. The first step in removing guns is to implement mandatory registration. This has just come to pass, any rimfire and centerfire weapons have to be registered within a time limit or face charges. I can't own a handgun without belonging to an official gun club and filling out more paperwork than my mortgage papers. If I get caught driving the long way to the gun club I can face charges.
They say this is for our safety. I wish politicians would spend more time worrying about criminals. There is nothing to lose to use a weapon in a crime today, most weapons charges get plea bargained away in the court process. If people got a mandatory minimum of 10 years in jail if they used a gun during a crime maybe they would accomplish something. But for now the the politicians seem to sleep better knowing the innocent voters are defensless, rather then insuring the criminals stay in jail.
To top it all off, if I shoot someone breaking into my house and threatening my wife and kids with a weapon, I will most likely end up with a tougher sentence than the criminal. In Canada they go along way to discourage what they would call vigilante violence. When I lived in Anchorage Alaska I could drop a criminal as soon as he stepped one foot into my house, now that is justice. It is a bad state when it is illegal to defend yourself and family.