Animal Rescue...


Hey all,

Thought I would share this pic with everyone.  Got dispatched to an animal rescue on southbound I-25 yesterday.  Someone spotted this Cooper's Hawk standing beside the road, slowly working his way into traffic.

A Department of Wildlife officer shows up and we decide we'll use a blanket to herd the hawk back into the ditch, then capture him for medical eval and rehab.  I closed a lane of traffic and the DOW guy goes after the bird....the bird takes flight, just enough to get over the DOW officer's head, swerves and then flies right out into traffic and gets hit by a pickup, or so we thought.

So there's the bird laying upside down in the fast lane of the interstate, looking dead as hell.  I stop all lanes of traffic, which is another story itself, and we run out there to get the bird.  Next thing you know, he flips over, stands up and just looks at us.  We grab him and take him back to the DOW truck where this photo was taken.  No visible injuries on the bird and he's currently at the DOW getting medical treatment.

Just thought it was cool...made my day.

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Damn...Bird...He better be glad it's not Thanksgiving cause he would be in trouble...If the traffic had not killed him, he looks alot like chicken...

Just joking...Good job...
Awesome Monty !!

I am a big animal lover (I know someone is going to make a smart a$$ comment about that)

anyway, hawks are great.. that is cool you were able to save it...
ohhh that reminds me, everyone check my post I am going tomaek about cats