so, i bought my bike in january, couldnt ride it it was too icy and crappy. had 600 miles on it, and was in perfect shape. the guy i bought it from also put on a full yosh system, power commander, and tuned it. rode around on thursday a little bit, but the roads started sweating so i parked it till friday. went out friday, rode around visited some friends and stuff and rode in the forest preserves out here. found a road in good shape, and started seeing what the bike can still scared to crack it open all the way, but i hit 120. this bike RIPS!!! so far mods include:
removed license plate bracket
removed chain guard, and put LP on those bolts (until i get a new arm with the curved style bracket i dig that one)
removed reflectors under tail and on fork
removed warning tags from tank, right side, will work on the left side when i get time.
i definitely enjoy this bike!!!
removed license plate bracket
removed chain guard, and put LP on those bolts (until i get a new arm with the curved style bracket i dig that one)
removed reflectors under tail and on fork
removed warning tags from tank, right side, will work on the left side when i get time.
i definitely enjoy this bike!!!