Any computer gurus out there?


Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none.
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For some reason I can log onto here and many other websites just fine, but when I try to view my Bank of America, Cingular, and my Yahoo! mail ... I keep getting the infamous "The page cannot be displayed" message.

Any suggestions?

I know a motorcycle website isn't the first place I should go to for this type of stuff, but since I visit this site more than any other one I thought I'd give it a shot.
reboot, then at COMMAND PROMT type: ipconfig /flushdns

just a thought. also clear your browser cache
(WWJD @ Jul. 05 2007,09:40) reboot, then at COMMAND PROMT type:   ipconfig /flushdns

just a thought.  also clear your browser cache
What do you mean by "at COMMAND PROMPT"? Normally I just turn the computer on and aftre loading up it sends me straight to the user names. i click on mine and I'm at the desktop.

I have been trying different things from there for the past 2 1/2 hours ...

Hey all. I'm sorry if I don't reply right away. I have been at this for nearly 3 hours straight and need to step away from this for a while. I appreciate all help given and will consider any suggestions given. Thanks in advance.
Nightcrawler, check to see if your browser options is blocking cookies for the sites you are visiting. Also if you have Windows firewall, try disabling that and see if you can access your websites.

Good Luck
Command Prompt: Start / Run / "cmd" [Enter] pulls up the black box and C:\ prompt

try those other suggestions too: set cookies and anything else you can find to DEFAULT

if you are at work, call the tech geeks... they secretly enjoy helping you fix weird things
I have a similar problem from work, particularly with US Bank. The reason I have that problem is due to them using SSL, or secure socket layers. This is what makes it a "secure site."

To get around mine I had to put a special proxy into my browser settings to get around our normal firewall. You may need to speak to your IT folks / ISP to get the correct address if one is needed.

This is most likely NOT the issue for you if you are at home but I had to throw it out there.
Do you have any antivirus program running? If so turn it off and see if you can get to those pages.
My antivirus and spybot software would block pages they didn't like along with Ad-aware.
Thanks all.
I've tried everything thrown my way and still couldn't get it to run right. Sadly, I was working against time. I had a few bills on my Bank of America "bill pay" which were going out today and had to transfer the funds into that particular account ASAP. Seeing as how I was running out of time (and options) I decided to restore my computer to the way it was when I bought it. I am NOT a man of patience

I don't feel bad though. I was able to save all my important documents, music, videos, and pictures on to my PSP.

Thanks for the help though.
Not sure if you've gotten any resolution yet but here's my .02..

Sounds like you cannot access HTTPS secured sites. Here are some options....

First try... Start> Run> (type in) regsvr32 softpub.dll [Enter] Should give success prompt
Then Make sure your firewall is not blocking port 443.

813444 - Cannot Connect to SSL Secured (128-Bit) Sites
813951 - Cannot Access Your MSN E-mail Account or Authenticate with a Web
Site in Various Programs
Many other possible solutions at

Good Luck!