Any health nuts here?


Professional Pilot kinda sorta
So, I have passed my DOC entrance exam and now I am trying to get into shape, other than round. I am currently 6"0 290 lbs. When i use to wrestle in high school i was the same height, about 20 ilbs lighter and could run a mile in less than ten minutes which for me was good. My problem is my wife is such a dang good cook it's hard to say no. I really wanna try to drop about 30 pounds over the summer and know that i need to be careful of what i eat. Anybody got any ideas on diets/workouts I could do. I have been walking/hiking 3 miles a day early in the morning for about a week and have seen a small result. Any tips or ideas my wonderful extended .org family might have to help this fata$$ get in shape would be greatly appreciated.
Meth? :rofl:

It would get the weight of off, but then they may not want ya anymore. :laugh:

If always found that in general, eat a lil less and a lil healthier with more activity does a decent job, the key is stickin with it. If ya change everything drasticly, ya may not be able to stick to it and go right back to where ya started. Im sure the real health guru's got some good tipes for ya too.
Eat smaller meals instead of like 3 bigger ones. Like 5 mini ones breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack and done. Keep carbs down and if you want to get fit quick with really good results. Here comes the pitch ! Get P90X. 90 days is all. Works great if you stick to it. Probaly drop 10-15 1st month, maybe more. I did and it comes with a meal book so if you need ideas, there easy and healthy. Youll notice big difference relativly quick and it works. End of
Jet Li here is a fitness guru, hope he chimes in soon with some words of wisdom.
PM me and I'll hook you up to some clean eating ideas.
The wife,daughter and I have been eating this way for about a year now with excellent results.
Moderation is key.
Google Dr. West. He is with Standard Process. He explains what foods to eat and not to eat (what foods not to eat together at a meal and why), hope this helps..
Arghhh.....nothing makes me crazier than..." no carbs...or don't eat this with that..'...' To have complieance with a lifestyle change, it must fit with the clients goals,available time and food preferences.

You must eat carbs, they are the body;s fuel,it's all about the carbs you choose. You can combine foods together, jezuzz, what a load of hogwash. And stay away from expensive supplements and powders.

The only powder I might recommend would be a good quality whey protien powder. Eat a good variety of richly colored foods, dark green,deep reds, rainbow foods. Portion control is very important. You needn't deny yourself, but moderate instead.

Keep it simple, and basic. If you are going to do this, why not do it for the long haul? What are you going to do at the end of the summer or once you have reached your desired wieght? If you have done a quick fix/wieght loss,it will all come back on,believe me.....and usually more as well.

You must learn to make heathly food choices,no fad diets, and increase your daily activity. Walking is an excellent start, but that alone will not help you accomplish your goals. You will need to do a program that uses as many muscles as possible in a short time span.

Kettlebells, "bootcamp" style, excersices will work and you don't have to pound away for an hour or more every day. Studies have shown that a min of 3 moderate to high intensity workouts a day, at 10 mins each, will help you significantly.

But.....they must be intense enough. You want to use your large muscles as much as possible. Quads, lats ect. To sit in a machine and do 6/7 sets of a bicep excercise is very time consuming and kinda pointless.

You want to reduce adipose tissue and replace it with active lean muscle tissue, which burns more calories at work and at rest,double bonus! The king of excerises, the squat, should be your best friend. Once you can safely perform a squat, the world iis your oyster. Keyword is SAFELY. The list of what you can do once you have mastered that move is endless.

As you can tell, I believe in staying away from fad foods, diets, exapensive supplements,eating 12 eggs a day( my personal fav advice from " the pro's) and learning to make smart food choices, finding a program that you like and enjoy, that is safe, and moveing towards a lifestyle change that will be easy to follow and enjoyable.

I have much much more to say on this subject, but I am a pretty slow typer....
I've had two diabetic friends, (one a 21yr girl) die of sodas. Got 2 friends on dialysis because of a long addiction to sodas.

"If you are sick, work on you're health. If you are healthy, work on your health."
If it's man made, don't eat it."
I'f you eat food in it's natural state, you will always feel better."
-Jack Lalanne.
Ive lost 100 pounds in the last 18 months. My trick is dont eat any white pastas, breads, tortillas, etc. Make sure all is 100% whole grain wheat.

No Soda, for me tea, water, and skim milk.

I do weight training and cardio atleast 4 days a week if not 5-6

However, I think my biggest thing was counting calories. I watched my fat intake, carb intake, and protein. Also, having a supportive family greatly helps. My wife has lost about 50 pounds now and is smokin' hot!
Cut back your eating. Only it about a fist size of food. It sounds crazy but eat slower also. Cut back on sugary food. I have lost over 20 lbs by doing this. It really does not take much to lose 30 lbs. Also start doing some cardo.
So much good advice. 2 years ago I became a bicyclist. I started at 267 pounds and today I weigh 208 and could ride across the US if I had the time. The amazing thing I found out was that, at a certain point, I didn't have to concern myself about diet, my body craved the proteins and good nutrition because of the constant and intense exercise. That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy's just that now, it doesn't define me! What some people do though is exercise 1/2 hour 3-4 times weekly and think that's enough. I ride bicycles 140+ miles weekly and every other day do a good workout at the gym. I don't care what anybody says, the more I do, the better my life is. Good luck on your choices. Doyle
PS: If you eat nuts just 5xweek, you cut your risk of heart attack by 40, 50%. Lowers
cholesterol. esp walnuts. Also improves lining of veins. cleans colon.
But if you overdo it, you'll get the trots. Nutbutters also effective. Walmart has a
soynut butter, lighter and lower fat than peanut butter. And they have a dark chocolate
and almond spread that's orgasmic.
Cut back your eating. Only it about a fist size of food. It sounds crazy but eat slower also. Cut back on sugary food. I have lost over 20 lbs by doing this. It really does not take much to lose 30 lbs. Also start doing some cardo.

Your not going to believe this but I lost 25 pounds by

Eating sloooooower, take smaller bites, chew your food until its pulverized down to almost nothing. you wont even want to finish your meals because you will realize your full and satisfied.. you will also skip desert because of this.

2, drink water - if you have to have some soda, keep it behind your glass of water, that way you drink mostly water

3 don't eat before bed. (drink more water if you have to fill up)

4 take a walk around the neighborhood most every day

I'm sorry that this program is not fancier, but it Works like Magic


this thread is useless without pics.jpg
Lynne and me have just bought 10-minute trainer from the same people who do p90x and insanity, we're both trying to get fit and loose weight, doing the p90x or the insanity program would be to hard to do. I'm 6"2 and weigh 280 lbs.