The Suomy was my firs big $ helmet. It is still the helmet I wear for drag racing, track days and high speed riding. I like the quality and the fit is the best for my head shape. I also own shoei x11 and an Arai that I use for city riding but the Suomy is for the serious stuff. I really like the interior cloth Suomy uses better than the shoei or Arai. The only thing I have to deal with (careful to not say "don't Like") is wearing the helmet in the winter because the shell vents are slits that are not able to close so the cold air goes right in the helmet. The other two helmets have close able vents which is nice.
I ride in the desert and the Suomy flows the most air so I have never felt it get too hot inside. I always ride with ear plugs so I would not say the Suomy has increased air noise, it is as loud as all my high dollar helmets. The Suomy absolutely stays planted and feels rock solid when riding over 130mph, much better than my Arai or shoei, that is why the Suomy is my high performance riding helmet.
Yes visor changes take longer but the benefits far outweigh the issues or differences it may have. Would I buy another Suomy, absolutely because the fit for me is best and it has quality everywhere. That is not to say a shoei or Arai are bad helmets, they are top quality helmets with different features that make them awesome also. The picture on the left of my sig line is my Suomy, the second pic is my Arai.