Anybody know cloudnines address?


I don't know where I'm going. I forgot to ask Daniel what his address is*#! I think Boring Oregon is pretty small, maybe if I just drive around and honk he'll hear me. I'm pretty sure he's out racing right now, so I'll get a pm back with his addy when he gets back. Meanwhile, if anybody could shootl me the addy I'd sleep easier.
I had hoped to drive a little further and see Bert too, but it's too far and I have too little time right now. I'm taking my brother whose almost 20 years younger then me. He's very excited to go on the road trip, and so am I.
Daniel is going to work his dyno magic on my busa. I've been messing with the electrical stuff and I think it's sorted out enough now to check the mapping and adjust it if needed. It's going to be fun to be able to take it past half throttle with confidence.
I do believe that its...

Daniel London
27522 SE HWY 212

Boring, Oregon 97009
Boring, Oregon .... are you serious!?