Anyone Ever Had a Butt Drink?

Definitly not safe for work... Also one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen! If you are easily offended or disturbed DO NOT WATCH! Although,,, I was gagging and laughing at the same time.

I knew better than to watch that. but I did anyway.

WTH is wrong with these guys??
I threw up my oatmel this morning watching it for the first time...good thing the trash bucket was right beside
I must be one sick, disturbed mofo. I laughed til I had tears. That's some sick sh*t. No pun intended
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Only managed it till half way through. Pass me a paper bag please, I feel ill. Nasty nasty nasty. What's wrong with these people.
i was hung over this morning...trying not to puke....oh well thanks for making me puke
OMG! That is SO far beyond sick....there just aren't words for it.
In the police academy i learned that if you ingest anything through the colin, the effects are almost immediate. I guess thats what they were going for. Bunch of sickos!
Wow, them irish sure know how to party.  

"It's not bad. I thought I was gonna be sick and I'm not!"

"It's not that bad!"

"I thought i was gonna be really warm and shitty, but it was actually just like regular beer it was still cold!"


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