Anyone know Martin\'s web site address?



I dont have a strap but from I've read out here I believe so---throw that onto "ask themotorhead" on see what comes back. I spoke to him earlier he said use the strap on the street if ya wanna answer to ? on other thread.

ZXALAN, forgot to ask on the other thread, why dont you get some BDE links and a strap from schnitz to cure the wheelie problem?
RPMpower, that's my old site address, it's currently a reveral page, but I'm not sure my old ISP will keep it for long. Please update any bookmarks, sorry for being such a pain ;)...Martin
Well Lanta, I still like to hit the curves so I want my bike have stock height and length. Also I often carry a passenger. I don't really want to screw with raising and lowering the bike every time I want to race it. I also want to race it and time it at the track the same way I run it on the street. If I was to street race it, it would be at stock height and length so.... I might try just strapping the front, can you do that without lowering the rear and will it help??