Anyone like to trade rooms?


hi there,
got room today so i can make it to the bash. But reba only had a 1 room with 3 beds to off. If anyone has a smaller room with 1 double/king bed and would like to trade up for a larger room with 2 doubles and 1 single to help hold more friends i will trade with ya. I hate to see a beds going to waste with just me and the wife in there and i know some members will be sleeping on floors. So like i said if you need extra beds ior the extra space, PM me and we can call Reba for the room swap.
The think the room i have is #110

sure did..thanks Reba called me about 10:30 today. I really dont need a room with that many beds in, but its what she had at the time.
sure did..thanks Reba called me about 10:30 today. I really dont need a room with that many beds in, but its what she had at the time.

If my schedule allows me to come I might help you utilize the bed space :whistle:
Thanks Do3, but my wife is going this time. She isn't a big fan of sharing rooms with people she doesnt know. Thats why im offering to trade rooms with someone who need the extra space for others.
Macfast would like to trade I have a room with a kinf bed and a sleeper couch.
I have 3 people total and can could use the beds
That was all she had at the monent and I took what I could get
Is it still available? That would be great
Thanks Do3, but my wife is going this time. She isn't a big fan of sharing rooms with people she doesnt know. Thats why im offering to trade rooms with someone who need the extra space for others.

But I'm so harmless :laugh:
I know that, but the problem is she doesnt know that ;)
try to get someone with a 1 bedroom to swap me rooms and then you can have a bed.