I got one. BigD comes to a local car dealer. Dealer always had a custom car show. Junior year in high school, we go to the show cause we hear Ed Roth is coming.
One guy in high school, would Rothe poopers out of his book covers and blank sheets of paper. He was good copying Ed Roth's style, with the hand on that big shift ball aimed at the sky, coming out of a little car kind of Ed's signature. There had to be almost every kid making the attempt at the time, doodling away in that Ed Roth era.
Here is Mr. Roth himself, sitting down spraying shirts just as you see in the photo [scroll up] above. I am standing next to him, interrupt his art, working some shirt for his income. Hey, I didn't know anything at the time, so I blurt out something, asking for his autograph.
Stopspraying, turns to me and says as polite a guy you'd wanna meet, "Go see my manager" kind of 'beat it kid, I'm working' and starts spraying again.
Laughter/snickers from the adults
I walk away like a little puppy dog, tail between the legs.
Thanks for the memories.