(Professor @ Sep. 07 2007,15:07) My experience seems to be a bit different. I found the width actually helped on long trips. Now if you are talking about long periods of stop and traffic I could understand. Where the Corbin seems to be uncomfortable to me is stopped with both feet on the ground. The width causes it to dig into my thighs in stopped position. I noticed it more when I raised the bike up to stock height (was 1â€down). I have a 35†inseam. As soon as you lift your legs the pressures is relieved. So if you are riding in Daytona bike week traffic and you have short legs….. you are going to hate the Corbin. It also allows you to adjust position fairly easy while making 50-100 mile legs of a trip.
Like KS-bug stated, you have to break a Corbin in a few miles before the feel right.
Get a very good quality pair of bicycle shorts (6-8 panel) to try on the longer trips as well. I bit of anti monkey but powder helps as well.
I have ridden on a Tobin. I like the look, and the seat did well on the short ride. It was not as comfortable to me as my Corbin. I’d like to have one to ride the bike to the race track, however. It would be more comfortable than the carbon fiber seat pan I race on for the 20 miles to the track.
The Tobin being cut down , reduces the seat to peg measurement. Meaning you will have to bend your legs more.
The Corbin raises the height slightly from stock.
All of this will depend on your inseam and weight. My opinions are based on being 6’0 35†inseam and 230lbs.
I like the way the gel seat feels but park it in the sun and you’ll find the true meaning of heated seats…