Are ECUs interchangeable


Baught a US-ECU to "practice" flashing.

1: I dont know if its a Haya or a B-King ECU
2. Flashing no problem ,everything works fine (with Gregs Bench-flashing Interface) and for first try we changed just limiters ,nothing else.
3. we changed the flashed ECU with the B-kings origin
4. everything fine ,all lights ,all funktions
BUT:Bike dont start.
We have only a B-King at the moment to try.
Of cause we flashed the ECU with the EU B-King bin. file and there was no problem or any fault to see.

i think there are only two faults possible:
Does the imobiliser in the key recognice his "own" ECU ?
Or is a Busa ECU not interchangeable to a B-King ECU ?

Any informations ?
If the bike is a non USA bike and you have the security chip in the ignition can not just swap in another ECU.
Posted via Mobile Device
Its a german (EU) B-King ,with the usual imobilizer key

Can you swap the USA ECUs to diferent bikes ? GENII

On GenI we swapped ECUs without any problems.

If the bike is a non USA bike and you have the security chip in the ignition can not just swap in another ECU.
Posted via Mobile Device


does this mean the US-ECU is useless for us ,or can the code be removed ?