Are these brakes bad?


Just kidding. I just now changed my rear brake pads after miles of squealing. I should have checked them sooner. They are probably original brakes. I have 20K miles now.

Left: new EBC HH's
middle: Right pad
right: Left pad.

Flame away. Im embarassed that this was on my bike.

Rear pads.jpg
You can tell a lot about a person by knowing who his friends are. You can tell a lot about a rider by how his bike's brake pads look. :rofl:

Kidding aside, who needs rear brakes? I've got 25k on the odo, and my original rear brake pads are as good as new. Oh, I use them once in a while to make sure the rear rotor doesn't rust.:laugh:

Another thought is that it seems you've got a binding caliper 'cause one of your back plates is worn more than the other. :rofl: So, take those pads out, get a toothbrush and a soap, and clean those suckers.

Sorry for laughing man. Couldn't resist.

But, hey, I've done something similar - I glazed my front pads and paid dearly for this (locked the front). Laugh away..

Those silverish spots on the pads - that's a metal from the melted rotor deposited on the pads. That's what braking too hard for too long does - like from 170 to 30. Oh, well...

Well, I tried bedding the rear brake yesterday. the first few runs were not good. I was practically standing on the brake and was not able to stop confidently. after about 5-6 runs, it started getting better with each run. I basically followed the posted instructions here on the Org: doing 50 to 15 mph stops. I was able to lock the brakes a couple of times.

so all was well until my last run, when I lost all rear brake power. pressing on the rear brake resulted in no brake pad movement. there was no feed back from the brake pedal except for when pressing the pedal resulted in hitting the exhaust pipe. I immediately checked the rear caliper and master cylender expecting to see fluid leaking/spilling out some where. I had brake fluid and there were no leaks.

Im going to bleed the brakes this weekend and see if I can get rear brake power back. During the install of the new brakes, I disconnected the caliper from the swing arm and torque link. I kept the brake line intact but not sure if air got in the system. Bleed tomorrow.

The rotors are probably toast. the edges arent sharp as the pad plate clearly shows. But rotors will have to wait a couple of weeks.

More to follow.