Arizona Lane Splitting: UPDATE

Am I the only one that finds lane splitting to be dangerous, even when vehicles are stopped? And what happens when they start moving 5-10 mph, can you honestly say the bikes will fall in line? Heck no. It's too dangerous.

Alberto Gutier, the director of the Arizona Governor's Office of Highway Safety expressed concerns about the proposal saying it could create dangers. He said his biggest concern is that it would create confusion for drivers. That he says could make it more dangerous for cyclists.

Sure it's dangerous.

So is sitting in stopped freeway traffic when it's 115F degrees out, waiting for the ADOT to clear the're back there (locked into the parking lot with the rest of the cages) wearing whatever you're wearing (hopefully complete protective gear), suffering from heat stroke.

Filtering just makes sense. There are all kinds of grey areas around it, but once you get used to it, things just flow along so much more smoothly. Lots more room for the cages, then, as well.

Here in Florida I feel its just too dangerous as too many old folks dont pay attn but it is a way of life in Europe and other places I travel.
In Cyprus where my dad lives it is literally 1 for 1 when comparing two wheeled things to ones with four.
In Larnaca where he lives there are more scooters than anything and i would compare them to gnats buzzing around a horse. You will be driving down the road and have scooters pass you on both sides at same time.
At lights like 20 scoots will all pass the cars and go to the front of the line.
This sounds very dangerous to me. The thing that makes it dangerous is the fact that the drivers that are passed will get mad because you are moving and they can't, and they will turn into you or open the door just to wreck you. American drivers are just too selfish for this to be safe.
Find a politician thats game an vote the one you have out of office..

This sounds very dangerous to me. The thing that makes it dangerous is the fact that the drivers that are passed will get mad because you are moving and they can't, and they will turn into you or open the door just to wreck you. American drivers are just too selfish for this to be safe.

If done properly it is safer to split stopped traffic than stop in the back of the line an wait to get creamed by the majority of drivers who are not paying attention. Have you looked over at what the driver of the car is doing while they are driving ??? Of course lane splitting if done recklessly in some cases could be a problem. But I see more cases of motorcyclist getting rear ended by some idiot txting while he is driving :angry:
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Stupid politician don't want to take responsibility for anything. Shoulda, woulda, maybe... let's stay away from it.

It's common sense and been proven, and yes it takes some getting used to from drivers.
Not a good thing. I think that after I move there (in 3 months) we who live there should all petition the state to re-think that vote. Giving the thumbs up would save a lot of bikes, and a lot of bikers from too much heat. I really want to be able to lane split when I get there. It blows that I will not be able to.
I commute daily from San Francisco to San Jose on Highway 101. One of the busiest, most congested highways in the country; 8 lanes with commuter lanes. I ride a turbo Busa and COULD split betwen cages in short order, but I don't for good reason: I PREFER TO LIVE! Lane splitting, per the California law, is only supposed to be valid during low speed, traffic backups. The morning traffic news often broadcasts of yet another motorcycle fatality somewhere here in the 'Bay' area. I can guarantee that most of these accidents occurred because the biker was lane splitting at high speed. I have almost taken out several bikes (in my cage) who were between lanes and approaching at such a high speed that when I checked my bike was visible! If it was put to a vote in CA, lane splitting would be banned. It simply isn't safe at highway speeds. In stopped traffic idling between the cages IS safe; they're not going anywhere and you need to keep the airflow going over your bike's engine/radiator. That WAS the intent of the CA law; 12mph! If you think lane splitting is a good idea, hell, just do it. You can join the legions of others who are 'DEAD RIGHT'. Don't be in a rush...just enjoy the ride!
Just my 2 cents.
Here...I posted this in the thread I linked, above.

Another item that's particularly noteworthy in this whole discussion is, very specifically, the width of the lanes.

On some of the freeways in SoCal, the lanes are luxuriously wide, affording ample room for even large 'baggers' to 'filter/split/share'.

Other freeways, for example, numerous places on the 405 through Orange County and into south LA County, are narrow and it's just a full time job because you have to bob-and-weave. It will wear you out in no time.

Of course, wherever you are, there are the sad clowns in cages who are frowning that you got out of line and are beating them to the front of wherever they're going, and will try to squeeze out the space between them and the lane next to them so you have to divert in some fashion from your self-prescribed program.

Sad Clown.jpg
I commute daily from San Francisco to San Jose on Highway 101. One of the busiest, most congested highways in the country; 8 lanes with commuter lanes. I ride a turbo Busa and COULD split betwen cages in short order, but I don't for good reason: I PREFER TO LIVE! Lane splitting, per the California law, is only supposed to be valid during low speed, traffic backups. The morning traffic news often broadcasts of yet another motorcycle fatality somewhere here in the 'Bay' area. I can guarantee that most of these accidents occurred because the biker was lane splitting at high speed. I have almost taken out several bikes (in my cage) who were between lanes and approaching at such a high speed that when I checked my bike was visible! If it was put to a vote in CA, lane splitting would be banned. It simply isn't safe at highway speeds. In stopped traffic idling between the cages IS safe; they're not going anywhere and you need to keep the airflow going over your bike's engine/radiator. That WAS the intent of the CA law; 12mph! If you think lane splitting is a good idea, hell, just do it. You can join the legions of others who are 'DEAD RIGHT'. Don't be in a rush...just enjoy the ride!
Just my 2 cents.

Yeah...high-speed lane splitting is not only stupid, but flat out illegal, and people who have died or are maimed because of it are proof that


are steaming along on-schedule, well-oiled.
Lane sharing rules! 10 miles and hour faster than the speed of traffic below 35. Easy peasy nice and easy. Very rarely does Lamb have a problem with people moving over on him, Contrary to popular belief. It doesn't mean you have to lane share, it just means that you can.

It is legal to lane share in Ca. in any vehicle. Provided neither has wheels over the yellow or white lines.
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