ARRGH! Need touch-up paint.


Just pulled the brilliant "Take off with disc lock on" manuever. Happily, my left foot took the brunt of the impact (well, maybe not so happily) so damage to the bike is minor. Anyone know where I can find paint for gold, silver and the gloss black for the left engine housing?

Feeling INCREDIBLY stupid right now,

Go to

They have what you want and will mail it to you immediately.

Actually, check my thread of August 16th called "PAINT MATCHING."

It will give you more options on how to fix your problem, and will also make you feel much less stupid when you find out what stupidities I have committed against my paint.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 15 September 1999).]
You're right! I don't feel so stupid anymore :) Really, thanks for the help. Hopefully my Busa will be like new right about the time I stop limping. Funny thing was the bike was fine until I pulled my leg out. Then it rolled completely onto its side. Think I offended all the kids at the McDonald's playground with my loud commentary on that bit :)
After all the radical cornering and high speeds at SIR, I managed to drop my bike at 0 mph in my garage. I thought that the kickstand was OK! Guess not! Some left side scratches and now I am following the thread to touch up paint too. Hope the foot is better. Must be some bad karma in the Seattle area...
Sorry to hear about the drop! I've heard of other people's issues with the sidestand, and am thinking of making that mod myself. Actually, I just ordered my paint yesterday from colorite. Talk about bad Karma, I got hit while racing down in Portland and have been on my back for the past week and a half, so touch-up has been low priority :) The guy at colorite recommended VHT paint in gloss black for the engine, and they can match anything else at there company.

I'll let ya know how mine turns out.
Is the copper that bad? I believe someone mentioned it looked way off until you applied the clearcoat. I hope that's the case. Suzuki always refers me to colorite when I ask for touchup paint (both of my bandits, and the Busa).
I was racing the Bandit 400 in the novice class at PIR. We were doing warmup laps for Sundays races when another bike rammed my rear tire going into turn 4. I went sidewaise then apparently high-sided hard enough to throw me off the bike (going about 50mph according to the cornerworkers). I don't remember the dismount. I landed on my back then did flips and rolls all the way off the track and out into the field. Pulled a ligement in my knee, strained a muscle in my back, bruised a kidney and fractured three of my lower vertabrae. Left the track via ambulance. Lots of fun :)
We sign nice, air tight waivers every day we're out there. Happily, it will go on his record, so if he does to much punting, they'll pull his license.
Vegas... I had similar problems with Color Rite paint for my TL1000, in red. I tried to paint some oil filters to match the body color... not even close. We tried everything.. Primer, no primer, etc. Color Rite took the paint back... but we never did figure out the cause.
Nuts! Then I hope my copper comes out of a better batch or something. What's the point in selling the stuff if it doesn't match? I mean it's touch-up paint, isn't that the whole purpose for buying it?
I have the touch-up pens for my TLR. I had a nasty stone chip in the tank the first weekend I had it. The white was a two part color. First part white, 2nd part clear with metal flake. I must have done it a dozen times and it still looked wrong. SO! I mixed the two together, then dabbed it on, sanded with wet 2000 grit finese paper, then buffed with Semi-Chrome (yeah, it really works), then waxed. You need a magnifying glass to see it now.
I got the touch up from color rite. The silver is perfect but the copper is not even close. does suzuki sell copper touch up paint.......................??