Assassin's Creed anyone?


Dear spring....... HURRY!
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Anyone out there play assassin's Creed? I am currently in memory block 4 and soakin up al the viewpoints before I go on the assassination mission
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Assassin's Creed is awesome, finished it last christmas.
Truely an amazing game. :thumbsup:

Enjoy :beerchug:

can't wait for the 2nd one.
I made it about half way through and just havent finished it... Im slow at times. a great game though.
Great game to say the least. Played through it 3 times.
Learn the counter strikes. Else , very very difficult.
just killed the merchant king in block 4. I only play in my spare time. I can't wait till i finish the game so i can just off those annoying women beggin for money in the cities
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well i'm in Acre in memory block 4 & found a glitch. was in the very southeast corner of the SOUTHWEST section i think its the poor section and i fell off the side of the castle & tried to grab the wall. Well nothin to grab so i kept fallin till i was underneath everything. Cool right?.....wrong. Can't hardly move & I can't get back up
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OK WTF? I beat the game & i was told that if u beat the game u can go back & replay missions & kill anyone & the soldiers won't come after u
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OK WTF? I beat the game & i was told that if u beat the game u can go back & replay missions & kill anyone & the soldiers won't come after u
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Beat it a long time ago and haven't played it since. I need to dig it back out........Gears of War 2 has been my addiction lately!!
My youngest brother plays Assassin's Creed on PS3 and he says that its one of his favorite game. Gonna try it out and see it for myself.
I played it for a bit an got bored... real quick

I need guns wtf is an assassin without guns.:laugh:
Beat it couple times about year ago. Great story line and amazing graphics but wasn't impressed with the actual game play. Didn't really matter what mission you were on it was the same thing, climb view point, save citizens, pickpocket, interrogate, kill, and repeat. Supposedly the next one is going to have more interaction and be much better. Personally, I'm waiting for God of War III
i think my next game will be Pure. Looks to be a badazz 4wheeler game from Disney lol. It is gettin great reviews tho
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Is Gears of War hard? Thet look good but i'm more into stuff like Assassin's Creed where its a good storyline or a game that I can just play randomly without involving long periods of devoted time to the game. My work schedule is so random is the problem
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