At the Movies!


Saw 2 movies so far this holiday:

Lincoln. This is an awesome movie from almost any perspective. The statesmanship, real portrayal of the country at the time of the events and the clarity of the story line were magnificent. Basically this movie was amazing stuff that all Americans should see. The only critism I can imagine is that some of the pro-slavery characters were a bit simplistic in their opposition to the 13[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment. I think it was a bit more complex than was portrayed, however in the interest of time (film running time) I can see the director compromising this facet of a very complex issue. I give 6 stars out of 5. Btw: if history was taught like this our country would be much better off.

Django Unchained: This was sort of a disappointment. I should start by saying I am a huge Quentin Tarantino fan. I think Pulp Fiction is maybe one of my top 5 movies of all time. This movie has dialogue that is simply amazing: Like the Quarter Pounder needing another name because the French have the metric system, or the philosophical banter between John Travolta and Sam Jackson on his bible verse throughout the movie. All as brilliant as any movie I have seen. And the Kill Bill’s were to visual effects as Pulp Fiction was to dialogue.

So when am I going to mention Django? That’s the problem. Anyone could have made this movie and frankly it was just average at that. Westerns have really stepped it up with truly great efforts like "Unforgiven" and "Open Range." I know Django was supposed to be a spaghetti western updated but it had mixed intentions. The slave side of the story was too weighty a subject to handle in the comedic leanings of this genre. In a way it came off like a black exploitation movie set in 1850’s.

That’s not to say the movie didn’t have some real power performances though. Leonardo DiCaprio was magnificent as the plantation owner. He displayed the complexity of a person who lives with Blacks and treats some as friends yet is as cruel as can be in the next moment. I think it was oscar level even in this weak movie. Sam Jackson, who is also a favorite of mine was way above anything I have ever seen him do. This performance was like Danzel in training day – you sort came out of the theater thinking wow, where did that character come from? I won’t go into it further due to spoiler issues, but he was oscar quality too.

I must admit the only movies I have really enjoyed with Foxx is “Ray†and “Collateral.†I just can’t see past him as Wanda on “In living Color.†Foxx does a pretty good job on the physical stuff like shooting and riding horses. He is convincing and carries the part. Also, Foxx’s body was impressive in the slave shots (lots of muscle showing), and as the “gun fighter.†But in the dialogue he was speaking like Jaime Foxx the oscar winner, just didn’t get that. At one moment he was ignorant like a slave and the next speaking like, well Jamie Foxx.

So, this was an entertaining movie but it wasn’t a Quentin movie. I probably won’t even watch it again and I own 5 or 6 of Quentin’s movies and watch them alot. I would give it 2.5 stars if another director did it, 1.5 stars for Q.

Next up is “Les Misérables†and “Life of Pi.†Can’t wait for “Les Misérables†I have seen the play twice and it is definitely a favorite so I’m saving it for my birthday.

You really had to put up a pic of Wanda, didnt ya? :moon:

I might catch Lincoln, but my thoughts of DJango rang true with your review.

Have you seen Jack Reacher? Very good film IMO
I saw Jack Reacher on Monday. I really enjoyed it and I'm not a big Tom Cruise fan. It was just the right length and Tom was believable even if he wasn't 6 feet tall, blond and 250lbs like in the book.