Atlanta Ga

I live in Riverdale. If you get a few guys together would like to take that ride with you. I'll keep checking your post for further information.
Yep, there were 7 of us that met at Toosy's last weekend. Two busa's in the group with a 98 9r, r6 and several others. We meet up there almost every weekend. I was up again last sunday and will be up there this weekend. Two in our group crashed and 8 crashed on sunday with one death. Labor day weekend one guy was killed at that bridge in front of Tooseys. Cop told us last weekend, at least 10 bikes crash in the mountains every weekend----be carefull!!!
I'm on the northwest side. Know another Busa owner in Thomaston.
I'll keep watching the thread for a consensus on where and when.
Any Busa owners want to get together.
I'm on the north side in Woodstock, but any place is Ok. I have several other Busa guys that like to ride the mountains at the end of 400 who would also like to get together. right now tetative plans are for Sept 25 on the mountain ride.

B. J.
My Abuser is Black / Grey

[This message has been edited by BJ (edited 14 September 1999).]

[This message has been edited by BJ (edited 14 September 1999).]
Count me in on the TWO whenever you get it planned.

Some of the TLR website guys are going to Deals Gap next weekend 9 24-25. I and a couple of SRAD 750s are going up there if any are interested. I have to return late Saturday night/early-early Sunday morning.

Earl, I got something from you but could not open it as system has been malfunctioning. Has anyone been over to Mt Cheaha at exit 191 off I-20 westbound in Alabama? It's a blast too. Also, any idea what/what not are the riders doing when involved in those accidents? I'd rather "know" and not "need", than to "need" and not "know".

[This message has been edited by byhalia (edited 17 September 1999).]

If you find you want to ride a bit today/Friday, let me know. I live in East Point. I can't ride Saturday. 404.962.0173.

[This message has been edited by byhalia (edited 17 September 1999).]
Byhalia----I think the term is "riding over your head". The two guys that crashed in our group just went into corners to hot and into the weeds they went. The problem was that we had one guy on a 9R who was really good. This guy takes cornering to a science, and the other guys were trying to keep up. One guy in front of me paniced and hit his brake while leaned over. Wooosh--into the woods. The fatality up there, from what I understand, was that a guy did the same thing and hit a guardrail. I think the key is "know your limits". Our bikes are to expensive and precious to distroy like this. I admit, I'm an old lady when it comes to mountain riding, but I sure enjoy it. Anybody going up this weekend? I'm going to be a Toosys sat and sunday. Hope to see some of you guys.
The 2 riders that went down were definitely riding over their heads. To fast into one corner, out of shape for the next, and then your pitchin' your bike down the road in the next corner. Practice, study, practice, study... The cost of admission is your bike. Refunds only to those who practice, study, and ride within their limits. About $1000 skin damage per bike. The riders had only bruised ego's thank god!!!!
Thanks for the "little putt" in the mountains! Hope next weekend is just as pretty.
I left the info about the R1 at the office, so I will email you Monday.
Have a good one!

P.S. My friend in Thomaston won't be joining us anytime soon. Had an encounter with Mr. Deer - missed the deer, found the ditch.
He's bruised, but OK. No estimate on the Busa, yet. Hope you both get well quick!

[This message has been edited by Techwood (edited 19 September 1999).]
It was a blast. Those tires were really due for a breakin. :wink:
I gotta believe some of the citizens must be white haired after having two Busas blast by them on those mountain roads!
Looking forward to the 25th - hope you other guys in the Atlanta area can make it!
Barry---I really enjoyed meeting you. It is great to meet a mature rider on another busa. Man, are those mountains fantastic or what? I saw the two guys on the tlr100 and gxr750 again on sun. They are going to try to make the ride on the 25th. It was good to see you scuff up that tire a little, it looked entirely to new. Eric is not at work today, so I dont' know what his excuse is. We are still planning the "big ride" on the 25th. Hope to see you again!!! My

[This message has been edited by Earl (edited 20 September 1999).]
By the way, you're friends encounter with future venision really hit a nerve. About a month ago, I was going down the road to my house around sunset and out of the corner of my eye saw this huge deer. I think he was waiting for me, because I slowed down to a crawl and right before I got to him, he darted across the road, missing me a foot or two. He will be on the table Thanksgiving if he is still around. I hate a vindictive deer. I sure hope youre friends bike is not to badly damaged.
Where exactly is the ride going to be this weekend? Are you going to Gap or is it going to be at Two? I live in NC and would like to ride up to Gap to meet you if that is the plans. May can get a couple more Busa`s to go on the trip. Please would someone let me know ASAP. Thanks!!!
BJ---Since you kinda started this thread, are you sill planning on going up on the 25th? We will be there and look forward to seeing you. I think Eric and his itty bitty 9 will be there also. (He is the rider I referred to as causing the other guys to get dirt in their teeth) emattson actually. We really need to plan a weekend at TWO Ranch.

Just got your message today (Monday) where do you normally ride? Do you just cruise around or do you get out? Anyway let me know maybe we can hook up ride sometime.
I know of 4 people (including myself) that are going up. The boys are ready to do some dicing. Just put a new Dunlop on the rear, gonna' scrub it in this week. It would be sweet to get a decent sized group together and do a few laps.
If you do go to the gap do be careful...local dealer said guy came in last week and helicopter clocked him and he got a ticket. Will see what weather looks like later in week!
O.K.----emattson, remember your promise not to push all us novices---Not only do we outnumber you we are also bigger than you!!!