attitude adjustment


Is there anything to be gained by adjusting how a stock bike sits? This is for Top Speed.

I see all sorts of folks lowering their bikes which I can't do in production class. I can however, play around with the stock suspension settings.

Looking at pics of my bike at speed, the nose is up when on the power - is there anything to be gained by going with less front pre-load to get the nose down? That would give the windscreen more of a vertical angle - maybe direct air over my helmet better?

Or am I just smoking grapevines again?

Whatever - I'm bored - Iwannarace
it's tough with stock rules. Let me ask, are you allowed internal modifications to the forks?

Getting the bike lower overall (front and back) has benefits. By reducing your preload as much as possible will help a little. I would try and balance it on both the front and rear. A nice horizonal swing arm at speed is a big benefit when adjusting the drive chain.

Nose up sounds kinda scary at speed. I know if I'm a little too nose high my front end will get loose. Of course you want to have as much weight transferred over the rear but you still need enough over the front for stability. It's comes down to really getting a good weight balance front vs rear.

I wouldn't get to tied up about the angle of the screen. Improvements in the rear have higher gains.
Top speed is basically how hard your engine can push air out of the way.

To figure out how much HP you need to go a given speed, you multiply cD (coeffecient of drag) by frontal area.

The slipperier the bike, the faster it is. This is the cD component.

Likewise, the smaller the frontal area, the smaller the hole in the air needs to be.

Therefore, the lower the bike, the smaller the frontal area, and the faster you will go.

As long as you don't mess up the cD. If you keep things dropped the same front and back, this shouldn't be an issue.

There's a tire deformation part to top speed too, but it doesn't eat up much.

The vast majority is wind resistance.

For Maxton, the rule is the bike must appear stock. I'm sure there is a range of heights your bike can fall in, but I'm guessing it's not too large.

If you have a goal of highest top speed for your personal bike, lowering it should be one of the less expensive ways to add speed.

And if it puts you in a modded class, so be it.
cant you drop the front tubes in the trees? All i can say is ride it and tune it till your times are faster. You own the bike it doesnt own you.