Autoshifter for under a $100!

Frank Adams

Airshifter Guy's listen up...

I just finished making My most recent mod which is a Autoshifter for under a $100.

I've used this mod on 3 Busa's and 2 R-1's now and it works great every time.

I have no plans on making money from this mod, just helping other racers out with a cost thats a lot less then buying a actual autoshift box.

If anyone out here has plans on marketing such a device they need to get ahold of Me now!

Otherwise, I'm going to spread the word.

The info wont mean anything unless you already have an airshifter.

But lets give someone a chance to come forward that might be wanting to make some money on this first.

I know I tried 5 different combonation before I came up with the one that I'm currently useing.

I know this mod has been done before, it just that nobody talks about it.

Remember, if you don't have an airshifter don't worry about it untill you do have one, and want to get quicker times at the track!
Here we go....

You can use the "shift minder" from a Dyna shiftlight and you can buy the shift minder seperatly without the light. No need for a light but you can wire it up so both will work.(light & shiftminder)

There are several ways to actually wire this combonation up...

Right now the way I have Mine, I have it setup so I can over-ride the autoshifter if I need to..

Also, I have it all wired through a 3-way toggle switch to the horn button. Switch up..airshifter. Switch in the middle....nothing. Switch down....horn.

The guy's that already have a airshifter wired up on their Busa know that you have to use diode wires to the negative side of the coil wires. Your going to need another set of those wires, a couple of diodes, and a 12v relay to do this cheap/effective mod.

All this can be done for under a $100.

If you already have a airshifter wired up I have the instruction on how to wire the shiftminder/autoshift up.

Useing a autoshifter with an airshifter will allow you to run better et's at the track.