avoiding saddle sore's???


what's the secret you "iron butters" do to keep your (ass) from getting saddle sore's... I've been on several 300 mile rides now and I'm still not used to the pain!!

I've heard some use "padded biker shorts"... is this the trick? or is there a better way....
Don't ride for so long! :laugh:

Joking! I just stop about ever hour to 90 minutes and walk a few steps. I also change my riding position ever so often minutes to control the sore cheek factor.
Just noticed you are from LA, what town? I was stationed up in Shreveport for almost 4 years. I miss the good, greasy cajun food!
Looking for the answer to this one myself..... Although its not my azz that's sore! Mostly the inside of my legs were the edge of the seat puts pressure on my legs. (This was a Corbin Seat)
I looked into a corbin seat. They are around $250 and some people swear by them. I had one on a bike a few years ago but the bike came with the seat and I had no way of comparing if the Corbin was better than the OEM seat.

Anyone have a Corbin on their busa, Lets have a review. Chris
Ok I have a Corbin I bought off ebay for $125. you can usually find them for the busa in the $150 price range. Overall I'm happy with the corbin, and can't remember the last time I suffered from sore butt cheeks --wait yes I can i rode 1400 miles from NC to Daytona and back.. I bought the corbin the day I got back and haven't suffered since. The seat is wider and higher than stock and also has a slight upturn at the tank. Its pretty much a SADDLE. It keeps you planted, comfortable, and secure which is great on long rides, but takes some getting use to in the twisties because you can't just slide off the edge of the seat in the turns.

I'm looking at trying a gel seat.

If anyone has a gel seat and wants to try out a Corbin, I'ld be willing to swap seats for a couple of weeks.
The Corbin needs a little modification to really work - cut off the side lip that come up on each side in front of the colored welt. Then it would be o.k.

did 1070miles on saturday. Breaks, move around to different positions. Generally wear the best gear you can get, fashion be damned. Nuttin' special. I did over 600 miles on a stock seat. Just gotta get used to riding distance on the bike.
Everyone is diff of course but my buttocks never hurt, however after 440 miles yesterday, sore items are shoulders, low back, hips... strange very strange... :vader: 43 year old body... hmmmm
Ok I have a Corbin I bought off ebay for $125. you can usually find them for the busa in the $150 price range. Overall I'm happy with the corbin, and can't remember the last time I suffered from sore butt cheeks --wait yes I can i rode 1400 miles from NC to Daytona and back.. I bought the corbin the day I got back and haven't suffered since. The seat is wider and higher than stock and also has a slight upturn at the tank. Its pretty much a SADDLE. It keeps you planted, comfortable, and secure which is great on long rides, but takes some getting use to in the twisties because you can't just slide off the edge of the seat in the turns.

I'm looking at trying a gel seat.

If anyone has a gel seat and wants to try out a Corbin, I'ld be willing to swap seats for a couple of weeks.
I have brand new gel seat rode it for 200 mi.
butt hurt so much the gel seat is hard as a rock.
replace it with stock seat. :devil:
I rode cross country (AZ to NY & back) on a 750 Katana (with a trailer!) and found that nothing beats a good set of riding leathers.  I swapped the pants for a pair of jeans one day, and they lasted about an hour.  The leathers have a smooth, slippery inner lining that eliminates saddle sores, (monkey butt!) not to mention pading where you need it if you crash!  I picked these up (Heinz Gerring) for $200, not new, but unworn (kinda flakey colors but as gararnett said "fashion be dammed!).  Retailed for $1400 and I'd buy a new set if I had to.  Way worth it!
Took my longest busa ride to date yesterday... over two hours without gettin' off of 'er... When I finally climbed off the only body parts that were stiff were my knees. Today, the muscles in the back of my neck are sore but the knees are fine. Absolutely no other aches, pains, or stiffness at all. I have a bad habit of tryin' to keep my head straight up, driving the back edge of the helmet into my neck/shoulders even when I'm semi-tucked. I find myself straining my neck to do this.

As soon as I realize I'm doing it I allow my head to fall forward a bit to relieve the stress from my neck. The thing is, I don't realize it until my neck muscles begin to burn or hurt. If I simply move my head forward and cut my eyes up a little to still see, it is painless. Don't know why I automatically try to keep my head up even though having it somewhat forward is more comfortable.

I think that as soon as I eliminate this bad habit with my head position I will be able to ride the busa as long as I want without feeling it the next day. It's hard to lose a bad habit, though.  :cool:
As was stated earlier, get off and walk around every now and then. Also changing position works well, you can choose either cheek or just scoot back so that you are on the wider portion of the seat where it is usually just as soft as new ( few people ride back there ). Just take some time and experiment with it all.
Ride stand up wheelies everywhere you go or get you the suzuki gel seat.  Both are excellent cures. We ride 300+ miles of curves on Sundays and I've always used the stock seat. I sat on my buddies gel seat and it is a new world.
Moving around is the biggest thing to it, for me. Also, at about 100 miles into a run, I usually stand up on the pegs for 1-5 miles. This streatches out my legs and knees and gives the butt a short rest. The remaining 50-75 miles before the next stop are then easier.
Has anybody tried the saddelmen gel seat ?
Quite an old thread but I'll go ahead and answer you, I have the saddlemen track carbon fiber seat and without it I don't last more then an hour or two before having issues. I wish it was a bit softer sometimes but is definitely one of the best upgrades I made to my busa.
Yeah, seven years old but a worthwhile topic. I bought NON cotton seamless bike shorts (underwear) years ago and won’t ride w/o them. I usually stop every 70-90 miles anyway, you know, about every hour :laugh: for a drink or to take a pic.