Awareness - Unsafe Driving Video

This is too polictically incorrect. You might upset or scare someone here in tha U.S. You just can't go around showing the gruesome consequences of stupid peoples actions.:laugh: All jokin aside, that might wake some folks up here. But some parent whose cable tv babysits their kid al lday and night would complain that it would traumatize them. After all. it's always somebody else's fault.
They would never show that here! They have to filter out everything that might offend anyone. Which, even though the reality of consiquences is explained very well in the video, is offensive to many people. They don't want to see it, even though many people teeter on the edge of it. Especially all the A-Holes I avoid everyday on my rides to work here in Cali!
The UK has it right here, show people what it's really like when you make driving secondary to anything else while behind the wheel. Seeing real consequences is important!! The EMT FD and LEO as well as other rescue personal see this stuff every single day. Should the first time you see it be when a) you have caused an accident or b)after being the victim of one because you weren't aware of what to watch for.

The sad truth blissful ignorance is the rot cause of most of these accidents. :rulez:
I live in a college town and you wouldnt believe what i see on the streets here. This should be required video for anyone who takes a driving test. Like when I was a kid in 10th grade we had to watch a bunch of Calif Hwy Patrol gore vids.
I live in a college town and you wouldnt believe what i see on the streets here. This should be required video for anyone who takes a driving test. Like when I was a kid in 10th grade we had to watch a bunch of Calif Hwy Patrol gore vids.

I totally agree, all kids should see this before they start driving. It might make them think twice and while we are at it the DMV could play it the waiting room.:whistle:
I totally agree, all kids should see this before they start driving. It might make them think twice and while we are at it the DMV could play it the waiting room.:whistle:

Well at least if they did that it would cut the ridiculous lines at the DMV here in NY... :whistle:
this is one of my favorite safety videos.
- 5 KM/H Difference , Please Don't Speed[/url]
Make us wtih kids hang our gloves up... my wife cried

I tell ya what, there is nothing more horrifying than having your child in an accident of any kind.

My oldest child was in a bad car accident back in 2003. He was air lifted to a trauma hospital where he spent 2 weeks. 1 of those weeks he was in ICU and on a ventilator. He had a compound fracture of the femur (broke in 3 places) and a crack in his pelvis. It was one of the most heart wrenching moments of my life.

Some pix of his car....he pulled out in front of a SUV

David accident.jpeg

David Accident 2.jpeg