B.O.B....is this you???

I just sent this to my wife :duck: ROFL!!!!

"cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah yeah" :rofl:
Wow, that made me feel SMART!!!! :laugh:
I am guessing they are divorced though. :whistle: Or soon will be. :laugh:
I'll bet she looks REALL good under all those pesky clothes :laugh:
Lol... I asked my wife she started off by saying ... I think you divide..... Lol I then asked my 9 year old and she said 1 hour....so there u have it... Older they get the dumber they become...
Ask her the new measurements from Victorias secret and she ll give you numbers you dint know existed . But this :banghead:
she will definitely breed. Probably give you Brad Pitts entire love life timeline backwards and forwards
How on earth did I miss this thread.

That would be my sister. :laugh:

Let me elaborate about my older sister whom I love more than anything. This story I'm about to relate is 100% true.

Many years ago in my previous life I was into horses. Several of us girls would get together and go up to Oklahoma City for horse shows. (this is when I still lived in TX) After a weekend of horsing around....haha we were on our way home and noticed that there just so happened to be a lunar eclipse going on that night. There were 3 of us in the truck, a friend, my sister and me, and as we were gazing at the eclipse and ooing and aweing over it talking about how neat it was my sister so proudly announces, as if she's the smart one of the bunch, that we shouldn't look at it directly cause it will burn our retinas. She was dead dog serious about what she said too. Me and Dorinda looked at each other and busted out laughing. Yes, she is my sister and I love her dearly!
We had this hot girl at work and one day she was fixing some papers to this other company. A guy walked by and told her she should take the sticky note off of the paper before she faxed it. She replied they can take it off when they get it... True story.... Man was she a good looking girl....
i swear this gal is the daughter, of the owner, of one of the bars i DJ in.

she's the one that comes up to me after i've played my last song for the night, and demands i play "insert dumb song here" for her GALS! :banghead::banghead: