Bad Day


Donating Member
Today was a bad day for a couple of Bike riders here in Hawaii. To start the day off right a car driver decided that hey even with a reflective vest on in the day time I still can't get my vision right to see a motorcycle on a straight away. So the individual decided to make an ill advised turn and blind sided the unlucky motorcycle rider. And then she had the nerve to say "I was only making a turn". Well the guy has just lost his bike (total destruction of the pipe side) and I'm sure the military will come up with another class to more stuff to wear on top of the already hot uniforms we wear. Well if that wasn't enough. As I'm heading to lunch ridin along on my Busa and my buddy on his ZX9 a lady in a van looks at me, digs in her nose and proceeds to come into my lane. Well it wouldn't have been so bad except it was almost the exact same spot the guy got hit at two hours earlier and the other problem was that immedately to my left is a median curve which seperates traffic. So needless to say I almost crapped my pants. Keep us in your prayers. The drivers excuse is always that "We didn't see them". That may work at night, but there is no excuse for it in the bright sunny land of Aloha.
You gotta watch out for the cages...that's why I always keep my distance when I can help it. Just drive defensively because you'll always come out a poor second in crash with a car.
pack a sidearm...

they see you and start turning anyway? Pull and point...

Fuggin cagers...
My sympathies,

What you experienced is definitely not limited to military bases or Hawaii.

I spent a while riding a police motor and had countless times of people trying to kill me, both day and night. I came to the conclusion that if they were that stupid to cut-off a cop on a bike, there really are a LOT of stupid people driving about.

The biggest problem is that it has been proven time and time again that MOST drivers spend most of there time focused at a point under one hundred feet in front of thier vehicle, even at highway speeds. There have been several examples of this where stupid fuggers have driven off a bridge that had collapsed , in broad daylight.

Are you on Oahu???
You would be surprised how quickly they wake up when you cave in their door with your foot. Stupid cagers. Glad your ok.
Not a good day at all. Hope everyone was okay. I wonder if some of those people that say they didn't see the bike would even see a car. Some people just don't really care.
Sounds like a srressful day of riding. I don't trust anyone in front of me. Be careful.
Have you considered obtaining an HID setup for your Busa? I noticed cagers tend to pay attention after adding this mod.
glad you made it through that. There's a really good article in the AMA's magazine this month about the minor consequences drivers face when killing a motorcyclist; it's really sickening.

check out:
The biggest problem is that it has been proven time and time again that MOST drivers spend most of there time focused at a point under one hundred feet in front of thier vehicle, even at highway speeds. There have been several examples of this where stupid fuggers have driven off a bridge that had collapsed , in broad daylight.
Excellent point. I especially notice this when I have to ride passenger in someone else's car. Being trained from years of riding a motorcycle, It seems I always notice road hazards or traffic patterns long before the driver, who seems to be focused solely on the license plate of the cage in front of him.
I spent a while riding a police motor and had countless times of people trying to kill me, both day and night.  I came to the conclusion that if they were that stupid to cut-off a cop on a bike, there really are a LOT of stupid people driving about.

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all that said, a LOT of riders need to get some common sense together. Just last week I nearly flattened THREE motorcyclists - two of them seemed to think that lane-splitting on the 101 in heavy but FAST traffic was an OK idea - if you come up on ANYBODY at 75mph+ inbetween the lanes, they most likely wont see you until you're past 'em. One flick of my wrist to avoid a pothole etc. and they'd be a stain. My favorite was the girl playing the Harley-squid who just seemed to randomly choose lanes at whim - she almost rode into the car in front of me - my car would have just finished the job....

I'm not counting the dude wearing shorts, sandals and a wife-beater on the pocket bike scooting around corners on the local streets near my office. he's just asking for it...

there's idiot drivers on both sides; it's just that the odds are heavily in the cager's favor......