Bad Power Commander V


Bad Power Commander V ?

Installed Brock CT megaphone along with PC V with Brock's street map. Bike fired up and within 1 minute began to idle very poorly and FI light came on. Read codes and C34 and C35 came up. Service manual states

"CKP sensor (pick up coil) signal is produced but fuel injecor signal is interrupted 4 times or more continuously."

Check for

"primary fuel injector wiring/coupler connection, power supply to the injector."

I unplugged the connectors on injectors 3 & 4 and reconnected them three or four times. Restarted bike and the same thing happened. I then took the PC V out of the system, started bike and it idled perfectly. I let it idle for a few min. killled the bike and restarted it. Bike runs fine with out the PC V.

I presume it must be a bad PC V. What do you guys think?

Sorry for crappy cell phone pic

brock CT.jpg
This is supposed to be the CT Megaphone system. Looks different than the pic on Brock's site.
If bike runs fine WITHOUT the PC, then I believe you have found the culprit.
have you hooked up a pc before? Do you know how to check the map? aren't there 2 sets of injectors? Maybe you hooked up the the wrong one's ? IDK ,Im just shooting in the dark here...have any more pics ?
Make very sure you get the pc hooked up properly, all connections tight. And make sure its grounded well, they're sensitive to bad grounds.
Also may want to reload your map and reset the throttle calibrations in the pc as well. They work great with a good map and hooked up properly, but can give all kinds of issues if not done right.
Yes I have installed PCs before. Have never had a problem of any kind. It was installed correctly to the lower injectors. It was loaded with Brock's street map by Brock's . I will check it tomorrow. Ground was fine. Thanks for the replies.
I ended up sending the PC V back to Brock's. They sent me a new one and all is good now. I think it was a problem with the wiring harness. Can't say enough about Brock's customer service. OUTSTANDING
Man I have the same sort of problem, but with a PCIII.. Worked fine for a few years, now it makes my bike throw FI light and code 32 Primary injector 1. Runs fine with the Power Commander off the bike tho.

I'm bringing my Power Commander into a tuner Tuesday to see what the deal is..