Baja, any good for Bikes?

I was going to take the mothership on a trip down to Baja. Has anyone had any experience down that way?

- Are the road good? Good for real speed and knee dragging?
- Are the cops a problem?
- What about insurance?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated...
Make sure you speak the language and bring travlers check,one major visa/bank card,cell phone on roam,don't buy drugs,police setup down there if you don't know the seller and big bail money to get out,other than that have fun.Ride with a friend.
I drove from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas about 6 months ago (company paid for it too). That rode is dangerous! It is very narrow in places, lots of sand and vehicle fluids, military stops, shitty gas, stray dogs, crumbling shoulders, etc, etc, etc. Then there are the Mexican truck drivers who straddle the center line because of the crappy shoulders.

I wouldn't do it.....

Sounds like a big Dual-Sport would be ideal. I haven't done that trip but as the road conditions are liable to be sketchy, I don't think I'd take a committed sportbike. See if you can beg a ride on someone's BMW GS, chances are you won't wanna give it back ;-)


In that case, there are some really beautiful areas to ride, you'll figure it out. Probably the hairiest deal will be getting through Tijuana? Don't trust the roads, Mexican road engineers tend to put 90 degree turns at the crest of hills and wierd stuff like that. Assume a truck is coming around the next blind corner.....IN YOUR LANE! Police were a non-issue for me, went as fast as the vehicle could go on the given roads.

It IS FUN and it is an adventure, I'd do it again in a heartbeat but not all the way on a bike. Have a great time.....
