Batterie and heat ?


I change my complete tail and relocated my batterie.
(small pic shows sample of my new tail)
Here what i build to hold the batterie in her new place.
Anybody also has locatet his batterie behind the engine , under the tank ?
Will it hold the temperatures there ?
There is enough space around it , and nowhere any contact to the engine.

batterie 002.jpg

batterie 003.jpg

batterie 009.jpg

Looks good but just to be safe, I would put some type of heat shield between the battery and the motor. Is that small picture of your new tail. If so it looks hot.:thumbsup:
Looks good but just to be safe, I would put some type of heat shield between the battery and the motor. Is that small picture of your new tail. If so it looks hot.:thumbsup:

Yes :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I will look for some stuff as on undersite of tank as heat shield.
here it is mounted on mine to try the fit and space for electric.
its verry small on downside so everything must fit perfect.
The batterie was first on the badest place :poke:to choose. Far in the rear and very high under the hump.
Thats why i didn like the place at all and looked for another.

Umbau 011.jpg

Umbau 014.jpg

Umbau 015.jpg


von unten-k.jpg
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