had an interesting evening yesterday, it involved a turkey baster, a terrier, some hydrogen peroxide, ethylene glycol, and a trip to the vet at 10 pm. thought the dog got into some antifreeze in the garage (had drained radiator into a large bowl, i didn't have a container with a lid handy). so we tried to induce vomiting. let me tell you, this little 22 lb dog fought us for 20 mins, and i personally think he won. anyway, decided to quit f'ing around and take him to the vet, well, two mins into the rather frantic drive, he cuts loose and vomits YAY!!! right? no poisoned dog, cool. so go home, clean up poor jack jack. oh yea, he was covered in poop from fighting us so much when we were trying to give him the hydrogen peroxide. so after he's clean, pukes into the tub too, 3 times. getting to the point where it's more dry heaving than anything. wait an hour or so, he's looking better, give him a little food, and he's doing great. make my dinner, sausage mac and cheese with feta, give the dogs a little piece each of sausage. big mistake, not only does jack jack start vomiting again (4 times in less than 5 mins), but it's bloody too, so at this point i start lease: and decide to quit being such a cheap ass and take him to the emergency vet. after 1.5 hours at the vet, he's fine, no antifreeze detected, and -$335 to the checking account. but, he's alive and doing fine. the blood was either from a wound in his mouth (probably from the baster fight, it's a metal baster) or an ulcer. we got meds and all that stuff for him, but i figured i'd share my evening with you guys. we're both just glad he's back to normal.