Been gone for awhile


Killin' is my business, a
Donating Member
Well here is my story and my prob, only bad thing is i am back in kuwait for a bit. This all happened when i went home on leave a few weeks ago.

I got home, spent about 30 hours putting new parts on it that i had acquired while being over here....It truly looks badass now. Well I rode it fine for about 5-6 days straight put almost 1500 miles on it. One day me and the wife decide to go riding with the same guy I went riding with the last time it broke(chain snapped due to not being installed right by Yamaha in Herrin). Anyways we left his house and went to go get some gas. got gas. Pulled out on 13 in carbondale by snucks went to turn around by the bank right there and pulled up to stop sign and pulled in the clutch and it just sputtering or anything just died. I tried to start it and i could hear the solonoid click but no starter....I'm thinking great...maybe its the battery because it was the original. So I bought the one with higher amperage from snitz racing. Had it shipped overnight so I could verify before i left...Got it the next day...installed it...still did the same thing.

So I took off the starter thinking that may be the prob, took it up to the autoparts store and had them test it....nope its good. I verified it was getting power afterwards because the starter was getting warm after attempts to start the bike. So I am thinking that motor is frozen..not sure how because I wasnt beating on it or anything and I was right around idle when it happened.....

but on that note an odd thing happens when i try to start it. The speedo and tach test like usual when I turn the key but after i try to start it, it redoes the test for some reason.....Any ideas? Don't ever remember it doing that before...Gonna post this also and see if anyone has any idea. Kinda hard because I'm not around to actually lay my hands on the bike to check it.

Let me know if you have any ideas

Sounds like a bad ground. Follow the negative cable & make sure that it has a clean, tight connection to the frame. Haven't heard of the busa having a grounding problem but my old FJ1200 does. Good luck & stay safe!!
poor guy.

sounds like a bad connection causing the guages to reset.

might be the switch, electronics give little warning when they go bad.

Do you have any accesories wired in?
I would check grounds, it sounds like the battery might be trying to push on a dead short somewhere when you have the starter motor engaged. That can cause the battery voltage to drop sending the computers on board to reset on a brown out condition. This is what I would do if you don't find a bad ground. Put a voltage meter across the battery terminals, then turn on the key and press the starter button. Watch the voltage level. If it drops below 6 volts you're probably pushing against a short. I would look at the starter relay for a problem in that circumstance. A cheapo analog meter will work better than a digital meter in this case. A digital may not sample and display fast enough to show you a low voltage condition unless you set it up to hold on low voltage. PS. I design motorcycle ignitions and electronics for a living so I know a little bit about these things. see my website:
well its been awhile but I'm back home now from Kuwait. I ran down the prob as being the starter solonoid.....

But I only started it once......motor started squaling like crazy.....great more probs from my poor busa...I'm thinking I have a spun bearing...never dealt with on a bike before so its kinda hard to tell....gogo 1397 kit